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Okie Lite in Zapata

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  1. Agreed on the bankruptcies and lets not forget we will never know because his tax returns are sealed. Also, don't let Ted know, he says im a Trumper but he knows more about the conservatives than I do.
  2. Maybe your right but I look at independent reports and the SOB has given his salary back according to this site https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1341/take-no-salary/ Im not sure what he's made by booking his own resorts and im sure its millions but his core business is fucked https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-wp-trump-tower-20191105-arjnetoxijdkdkkjzpbiea3i6m-story.html
  3. He did give his salary back to the treasury and we know it is peanuts to him and I think his busines's have been suffering because of his bull shit.
  4. I have no idea who FCHorn is. But ok Ted.
  5. I never said I was MR middle of the road and I never compared any two people. I thought his show Apprentice was very popular. And his greed?? He is the only US president to give his salary back to the US Treasury Obama was a Senator and Trump had no experience as a politician.
  6. 57 states Ted is what Obama said. You got defeated tonight.
  7. Sure I can and do you remember Obama forgot the town he was in when he went to Oklahoma to view the tornado damage? How about the time when he confused Baton Rouge with New Orleans?? Everyones a stupid fuck, party over country wise ones.
  8. Did you get a degree? Ill gladly post mine if you will post yours you stupid cunt. Im on my iPad and dont look at spell check. Ill post degree right here and my State DL right next to it if you will?
  9. You have called me MR middle of the road, a Trumper and now your asking me if I am a Trumper? Fuck Ted, you didn't just fade you burned out. Do you really not know the answer?
  10. More bullshit, you calling me a Trumper and others call me a never Trumper LMFAO. You thought I was claiming the middle of the road, lol, dip shit you need to read better and quit assuming. Do you want to talk about dividing the country? You sound just like the Obama haters who claimed Obama stirred up the Ferguson shooting, God damn. I thought you was getting closer but your fading.
  11. Ellen? Oprah? Biden? Im guessing now....
  12. Did I claim to be MR middle of the road? No, I didn't. Just showing you that your liberal bullshit is dividing the country just like the conservative bull shit did for the previous administration. Your getting closer though
  13. Id rather have your opinion Ted. Is there anything you like about Trump? That should set the tone.......
  14. Yes its sad! You're the one who doesn't see both sides Ted.
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