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Okie Lite in Zapata

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Everything posted by Okie Lite in Zapata

  1. You said I was absurdly stupid for comparing team records and defensive rankings with the performance of an OC. If you will read and comprehend my posts you will understand that I agree with your post that records and rankings are not a good comparison. In agreeing with you is why I threw out the 19 stats and only after the 18 stats were posted by others on this board. Go back and re read this thread and tell others on this board who started with the stats that they are stupid because that’s where your reply’s to this thread need to be. Yes it’s pure gold.
  2. Ok here’s my point. My opinion of Yurcich was not liked on this thread and some disputed my opinion with stats from 2018 showing OSU having a top 10 offense, this simple stat was the reason some think Yurcich will be a great coordinator at UT but I don’t believe this one stat from 18 tells the whole Yurcich story. We did have a top 10 offense in 18 but also went 6-6 in the regular season and 3-6 in conference play. The argument against me stating our 6 losses in 18 with Yurcich was that our defense was the 71st ranked D in the nation and we would have won more games with a better defense. I didn’t start with the stats. I only showed the 19 stats to show the reason I don’t think the 18 stats are a good indicator of Yurcich’s performance. And like you stated, our offense did get worse this year but we went 8-4 in the regular season and 5-4 in conference without Yurcich and a top 10 offense and a even worse defense in 2019 . Some only see the stats and the stats don’t tell the entire story.
  3. The 2014 sugar bowl was in their minds very significant, but Saban said his players didnt give a fuck to be there and bob stops eats bags of dicks got butt hurt and declared a huge victory against a big bad sec team. So really they haven’t had any significant post season wins.
  4. There’s no tornados tonight so he shouldn’t be to busy.
  5. No I’m Eskimo brothers with your dad. What does that have to do with Yurcich’s stats?
  6. I don't know where to start with this stupid shit but here goes. My posts are about Yurcich’s tenure at Oklahoma State and you want to bring up the last 100 years of bedlam as your point? Are we talking about Yurcich or what happened during our 1945 national championship season or the previous 30 years before that? We have been very relevant the last decade and during Yurcich’s tenure he was very conservative in bedlam games. That’s all I was saying. So please don’t define a 100 year old “streak” for me when we are talking about the last 5 years of OSU football. Also just because you and your husband lived in Oklahoma for 12 years doesn’t make you a expert on OSU football. And it’s read and not red.
  7. Not at all. I fucked the hottest Mexican chick last night and I’m shooting some Don Julio now and she’s on her way over. I’m in a really good mood.
  8. Those were the stats that were thrown at me saying how great Yurcich a so I was throwing this year stats.
  9. Entiendo. Let’s talk this time next year.
  10. Haha I hope he’s better at UT than he was for us.
  11. You can’t be fucking serious. Do you know how many times Mason audibled? A bunch, trust me but l don’t want to be “absurd”. Yurcich “took” JW and Clint?? Took them? Made them better is what your insinuating? You do realize that JW and Clint had better QB ratings before he showed up? But let’s don’t let the facts get in the way of your opinion. You right about the FSU game and he called some good games but he had way to many brain shits. You dont remember many WTF calls? I guess you forgot the close game to Kansas because he changed and had our O lined up wrong and the shitty fucking red zone calls when W Virginia upset us and in those games he actually admitted to calling shit calls and having personnel lined up wrong. I can give you more examples if you need them. I know you remember the ISU and TCU games and I know you was fucking pissed like the rest of us when he was to god damn conservative in every bedlam game. Now tell the UT fans how the stats are so great. 2018 Yurcich (6-6) (3-6) in conference. 9th ranked O 71st ranked D 2019 Gleeson (8-4) (5-4) conference 16th ranked O 87th ranked D You do know that your acceptance of the mediocracy called Yurcich flys in Stillwater but won’t fly in Austin? The fire Yurcich crowd is not associated with the fire Gundy crowd. And yes sir there’s plenty of Morons on these boards.
  12. Sure, I got the point. Yurcich had great games with some total dumb shit calls that cost us games. He’s a good OC but not a elite play caller. Don’t kill the messenger
  13. Yes I’m sure Corn dog and Yurcich went 6-6
  14. I wasn’t making fun of were he came from. Gundy did a little humble brag of how he discovered him and how he interviewed him.
  15. I don't know any fans who say......well our offense finished 7th in total offense this year but we went 6 and 6 in the regular season so we are happy. Not angry at all and I even said I hope he does a good job at UT.
  16. In 2018 we went 7 and 6 and had 3 wins and 6 losses in conference play with Corn Dog at fucking QB with Yurcich calling the plays. So yea Mason covered his ass. I wasn’t discounting where he came from, inside joke on how Gundy claimed he found him.
  17. Gundy “discovered” Yurcich at Shippensburg State. A lot of us OSU fans I know were glad Yurcich left. Mason was a great QB and covered a lot of his deficiencies. I remember 3 occasions now, I’ll remember more later...... We had TCU on their heels and driving for a TD and Yurcich called a reverse RB pass that was intercepted. Why try trickery when your driving and they haven’t stopped you? It was a shitty call and TCU intercepted and gained all the momentum. We lost that game. Against Iowa State he called 20:something run plays up the gut and ISU stuffed our run game for I think negative yards. Fucking cock sucker wouldn’t call a pass. One year of bedlam I dont think he called one deep pass the whole first half against a shitty ou secondary. Hope he does a better job for UT but fuck him
  18. That is a helluva what if.........I had a good friend at the game and he swears the FG try was good, even said the ISU crowd groaned because they thought it went through also, then it was ruled no good and crowd erupted. I just tell him cool story bro but we fucking lost.
  19. If it was me I would start watching/mapping my yard with flags and mark the areas that get at least 6 hours Or more of sunlight and put whatever warm season grass you want in these areas. Bermuda is a good choice for these sunny areas. If your going to sod these sunny areas of your yard, I would sod them in May when the farms are getting a lot of green up on the sod. I wouldn’t lay any dormant sod. Water and fertilize the piss out of it all summer and about mid October I would over seed the shady areas/sections where the warm season didn’t spread or cover with tall fescue like Cactus said. I know this is a PITA but it will assure yourself that your going to do it once and not spend years and more money messing with it and wasting your time.
  20. Wallace plowed two ISU players and stiff armed two more for an incredible TD
  21. Yes and a big bag of dicks. FUCK OU
  22. I agree 100% I wouldn't be surprised if we won the next 5 games or lost them. Big 12 looks like Texas/ou and everyone else
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