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Okie Lite in Zapata

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Everything posted by Okie Lite in Zapata

  1. Everyone knew our offense would take a big step back loosing Rudolph and Washington but fuck this is a shit show.
  2. The rate on that granular fertilizer is 4 lbs. per 800 sq. feet that would be expensive to winterize the yard with those 4 lb. bags. There are 3 SiteOne's around Houston. They should have Lesco 5-0-30 its a granular fertilizer and a great winterizer. Cost probably @ $30 and that 50lb bag will do @ 15,000 sq ft. Thats what I would put down if you can get it.
  3. The muriate is fine, yes high potash and low nitrogen will work good.
  4. General rule is if your turf has been mowed between 3-5 times it is safe to put down a Pre M. Definitely put down a good winterizer with the sod being fairly new.
  5. I wouldn't put that much N down this late in the year. On your Pre M you can wait a few weeks the soil temps are still pretty warm but if you have time now it should be fine. Those are both good Pre M's
  6. Dont get it but im a little fucked up. haha
  7. Would like to see Dru Brown and Sanders.
  8. Our defense looking shittier than usual, should be a fun night. No biggie, been drinking since 11:30.
  9. I get my fertilizer 46-0-0 from Simplot Partners. Yes I would winterize now and in a few weeks dont forget to put down your pre emergent to control winter weeds.
  10. This video was made right before the 2015 game and we know what happened in 2015. Just a reminder, FUCK OU
  11. Your turf looks good, wish all my customers gave a shit like you do, my job would be a lot easier. 1. Yes, deep and infrequent watering is the way to go, water the piss out of it and the deeper the water goes in the soil column the deeper the roots go to get the water. Deep rooted bermuda grass is healthy and very drought tolerant. Water around once a week about 1 to 1.5 inches and when its hotter than hell twice a week is all it needs. 2. Not sold on the soil tests. You can send in 10 different samples from your yard and I guarantee you will get 6 to 8 different recommendations on what your soil needs. New sod needs a good starter fert like a 18-24-12, you need your middle number, phosphorous high and you'll be good. After that like you know it needs a fuck load of nitrogen. Almost every accurate soil sample will show all bermuda needs is nitrogen. 3. Fert schedule, first of May (depending on your location) 46-0-0 100% slow release, it will last 8 weeks. end of June first of July another 46-0-0. Mid August use a winterizer, something like a 5-0-30 this is important, you dont want to put down a high rate of Nitrogen late in the year, it can cause a shit load of disease including spring dead spot, you dont was that shit. 4. Yes, bermuda mows and looks better if the soil is level, if it were me I wouldn't use a compost/sand mix. I would use a rich mix topsoil. Rich mix has a lot less weeds than compost and sand. Vey few fungal issues with bermuda other than to much water when its cool but nothing that needs to be treated. 5. If I knew your city I could help you with a pre emergent schedule. Late February is to late for the first pre m of the year. 3.
  12. Army Worms are a bitch right now. Been smoking their asses with Demon Max (Cypermethrin) but like Cactus says they are pretty weak and most insecticides will kill them. Everyone check your yard everyday for these little bastards, you have to catch them quick, it only takes 2 to 3 days of them munching to destroy your fucking turf. Lots of calls lately but its to late, turf is brown looks as though turf is dormant.
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