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  1. A site I look at has it at 217 R - 210 D. It looks like senate will be 53 R- 47 D. good news is trump won’t have big majorities. Pretty narrow on both sides.
  2. I don’t get why republicans oppose it when they don’t have facts or public opinion on their side and they never will. Just because you don’t support something doesn’t mean you have to oppose it. Why can’t they just get out of the way or put it up for a vote then vote present and let it pass with all democrat votes? just doesn’t make any fucking sense and it makes me hate the GOP
  3. 53-47 is what it will be. We dodged a bullet because last night it was looking like 57-43 was possible if not likely.
  4. What does Trump winning mean for the ongoing effort to take marijuana off schedule 1? Id assume they aren’t going to bother to stop or kill the review. Trump voted for legalization in Florida.
  5. The amendment would’ve passed in Florida if they didn’t have such a shitty governor. Desantis went all out to stop Legalization. I don’t think most other governors would have interfered so blatantly.
  6. Texas doesn’t give a fuck about its citizens or what they think. The legislature decides all of our policy. You could collect 10 million signatures in support of an issue and hot wheels will just laugh at you on the Capitol steps.
  7. We need some damage control. Need to win the senate seats in Nevada and Arizona. If the GOP takes those, they are at what 57? Trump supporters will probably use death threats on 3 democrat senators to get around the filibuster. I’d feel a lot better if they’re at 55 or 54. Need to win the house or have the GOP only win it by 1 or 2 seats so that we can cause as much complications as humanly possible.
  8. Dan Patrick runs rampant across the state of Texas like never seen before. our idiot legislature in the state Capitol will view this election as a mandate to go as far right as humanly possible. Look for more book banning. Critical race theory. Abbott wheeling over minorities and gays. School Vouchers. They might try to crush delta 8 because why the fuck not. Shits and giggles. They will tell the idiot Texans who vote that it “ protects the children” and 80% of Texans will support banning delta 8. Fucking insane world we live in. look for transgenders having to hide in basements or attics and never seeing the light of day. Gays / lesbians will be constantly dunked on and ridiculed. Women will have their rights taken away. Minorities will be reminded that they are second class citizens. stephen miller will be the national point man for a lot of Dan Patrick’s Texas style ideas. They’re going to line up like Alabama football under Nick Saban and ram as much shit down the throats of the American people as possible.
  9. Even if Harris didn’t win, I was still excited about Election Day because I thought we would at least win the house and / or pass some marijuana ballot initiatives. it looks like I might lose all of them. Which is unbelievable.
  10. This is a pathetic showing. any democrat candidate worth their salt puts states like Maine, Minnesota, Virginia, Connecticut, and New Hampshire away very quickly. Harris is struggling to win them. I thought this was going to be a fight, but Harris is getting run off the map.
  11. We’re a country of stupid assholes who like loud and ignorant orange people.
  12. Election night has been a dud so far. Give me something to get excited about damn.
  13. Georgia and NC are still possible. rumors of Michigan and Nevada likely going to Harris. pennsylvania looking good. don’t get why people are freaking out.
  14. Most trump supporters aren’t very bright.
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