In regard to recreational: Minnesota was a pleasant surprise this year. Delaware seemed inevitable. Hawaii seems to be struggling to get on the same page despite finally having a governor who will support it, but they have that governor for 8 years presumably so it should be only a matter of time. New Hampshire was close, but some state house dems / reps who previously voted for legalization in the house inexplicably voted against it in the senate.
New Hampshire and Hawaii feel inevitable, but it won’t be this year. I keep hoping North Dakota and South Dakota will let us vote on it every election cycle, but conservatives have started to take aim at ballot initiatives because they don’t like everyday people getting a say on anything.
Medical is a lot more difficult to read. There are some folks trying to get it on the ballot in deep red states in 2024, but those states “Nebraska and Idaho” have thwarted efforts in the past by using court technicalities and other bullshit.
It’s frustrating that si much has to go right to change a shitty 50 year old law that is firmly entrenched. We have to gather signatures, get them approved, not have a governor hostile to marijuana, not have state courts throw out the petition, then actually win the vote on Election Day. Oh well….. hopefully 2024 brings lots of wins. I just don’t know as of yet where they might come from.