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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. We should get an update on pavelski’s status soon?
  2. Can’t believe we lost to a 3-16 team at home. What the fucking fuck? seems like Oakland always beats us no matter how bad they are and how good we are.
  3. Robertson has gone AWOL. the so called “win it for pavs” energy lasted only one night. His absence was really felt in this game. I just feel kind of fucked over. Other teams aren’t losing their star players, but we lost ours and the refs are too chickenshit to call penalties on the wild for playing thug hockey. If the wild are going to be extremely dirty and the refs won’t call anything, then how the fuck are we supposed to win?
  4. I always vote early so it doesn’t affect me, but I’d be pissed if I was an Election Day voter. Thankfully Election Day voters are 80% republican
  5. Any bodies game going to the 3rd. Hoping for Seattle to get the win and get out of there, but Colorado looks like they have awakened.
  6. Hoping Seattle can surprise and win again tonight. I have my doubts they can win the series, but just keep Colorado busy in case the stars advance.
  7. Because they played us…..duh
  8. A good rule of thumb texas state house is operating in the year 2005 probably Texas state senate is operating in 1940…. If you’re lucky.
  9. I don’t think it will hurt as much as some people think. The 2008 financial crisis or what I call the “bush recession” was an electoral wipe out for republicans. The 2008 recession was by far the worst one since the Great Depression. Everyone was feeling the pain. Businesses were in bad shape, really hurting and nobody could find a job. There was 3 million openings and probably 8-10 million people applying for those scarce jobs. Unemployment was around 8% with an under employment rate of about 20-25%. if a recession hit now, things would be different. Businesses are raking in record profits. Job openings are at 9.9 million and unemployment is 3.5%. Worst case scenario seems to be a 4.5 or 4.6% unemployment rate by the end of the year which is still pretty good. If you spread that 1% gain in unemployment about evenly all over the country I don’t think it would make a huge dent in things. Nearly everyone says a recession would be mild if it struck and I believe it. the last few years the American electorate has impressed me from a nationwide perspective. We laugh at the idiots here in Texas who vote R no matter what. They support people who go after gays and transgenders instead of doing things that would help everyone like expanding Medicaid or legalizing pot. The voters made the right choice in 2018,2020, and 2022. I think we would win again next year. People know inflation is the hang over from the pandemic and not Biden’s fault. It’s a worldwide problem.
  10. Let’s go predators. Defend home ice and be extra physical tonight!
  11. Wisconsin Supreme Court race and Kansas ballot initiative show the power and staying power of dobbs.
  12. 2 out of 3. The royals looked dead in the water the first 70% of this series, but when we switched to our bullpen in game 2 they started having pretty good at bats. It looks like that carried over to game 3. Hopefully we can take 2 or maybe sweep them next week tho.
  13. Astros probably win 2 out of 3 is my best guess.
  14. I can admit in 2018 I wanted her to run again because I knew she would dominate and keep the seat, but I also thought she would step down before the end of her term if her health went south. at the time in 2018 elections, we had Trump for president and a gop house / senate so I was just desperate to get as much power back as we could. she’s a massive liability now. We might lose the senate in 2024 and not get it back for awhile due to how rigged the senate map is in favor of the republicans. We can’t leave a single judge nomination to chance in case we lose the 2024 election. Fill them all and get some older dem judges to retire so we can replace them too. I’d love to see Biden have more judge appointments then Trump after one term.
  15. That election had unusual circumstances that will probably never be replicated. People voted while they were locked down and nothing else was going on at the time to distract them. The election was the only game in town, the country really. I don’t think the turnout will ever be that high because during normal times we have so many different things going on in our daily lives to distract people from voting. people weren’t really going to work. Kids weren’t really going to school. No extra curriculars. Minimal sports. No new movies or shows.
  16. First playoff game probably Tuesday?
  17. Just want to wrap up the win and get out of there asap with no injuries.
  18. Going to first stars game in person tomorrow. Any suggestions on what I should do for parking?
  19. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/12/tennessee-democrats-justin-jones-pearson-00091631 this article has come out recently. I’d like to believe it, but I just can’t. I wish the dems were competitive in more states. We need a bigger map for house and senate seats.
  20. If Desantis or Trump is all the GOP can come up with, I’m not too worried about losing.
  21. Is 5% really that good with the OPEC cuts and bank collapse probably not factored in yet?
  22. From conservatives you mean?
  23. Conservatives are obsessed with the “ good guy with a gun theory”, but when you break it down, how many of these catastrophic events have ended with a good guy ( civilian and not cop or former cop or undercover cop) actually saving the day? when these events happen, the good guys with a gun freeze up and hide like pussies, otherwise we would hear about them stepping in more often. It’s not the solution to our problem. It’s just another way for the GOP to make it look like their doing something without actually doing anything at all.
  24. Avalanche and wild please lose now
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