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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. Hopefully a Vegas player? We have our fair share.
  2. I think a lot of it is demographics / overpopulation. The baby boomers and millennials are both massive generations. Boomers have been retiring en masse for awhile now, but these people are still around buying cars and houses. Millennials got off to a slow start in life compared to earlier generations due to the Great Recession. Many of them are marrying later and looking for housing later. both these generations are fighting over a limited supply of cars and housing. We need more to go around, but we just don’t make as much housing and cars as we did years ago.
  3. The last paragraph of the last article linked brought a huge smile to my face. Winning Wisconsin and Michigan always feels so damn good because I know winning Texas is off the table and it’s the next best thing for dems.
  4. Referring to the Ben bernanke “sugar” he threw onto the market. Otherwise known as quantitative easing. Yes it was artificially propping things up.
  5. Walker barely won elections in Wisconsin by 1% or less. He ruled with an iron fist and governed like he had a mandate / win by 20+ points. The guy also is a huge proponent of extreme gerrymandering and undermining democracy at every turn. when he finally did lose, he teamed up with the legislature to neuter the governors office of all powers so that Evers wouldn’t be able to do anything. This was after he wielded the power of the governor as much as possible and as hard as possible for over 10+ years. if I was on the street and saw him get jumped, I would look the other way, not call 911, and let the attackers do what they want with him. The guy is a total scum bag. He’s almost as bad as Dan Patrick.
  6. The stock market is bad. Inflation is bad. Gas prices just went up. Grocery prices have been really freaking high. There are cracks and bad things to point at, but the good thing is pretty much everyone has a job and the people losing jobs are still finding new ones faster than their unemployment is running out.
  7. Don’t link tweets from pond scum Walker please. Dude is a fucking asshat
  8. We shouldn’t freak out about it yet. I think they will play hardball later this year if they have too.
  9. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/06/white-house-pulls-punches-over-gop-judicial-nomination-blockade-00090824 not sure what thread to put this in, but repubs are blocking our judges. We have about 60 vacancies and 40 of them in red states. I get that Biden and company probably don’t want to rock the boat right now, but we can’t let any vacancies make it to the 2024 election. Trump and McConnell will fill them even if it meant 1000 babies would be thrown off the top of a skyscraper.
  10. I don’t follow or keep up with these psychos, but have they made a bill that’s coming after delta 8 yet? These folks are miserable and don’t want anyone to be happy or have any fun.
  11. I’m not going to freak out about it. North Carolina is the democrats “white whale”. It seems like things are close, we can win, and at the last second it just never works out.
  12. Texas needs those billboards all over the major cities.
  13. Impeaching her would be incredibly dumb. She just won by over 10 points and would be tough for just about any republican to beat. Evers would appoint her replacement and the dems would be smart to just run her in the next SC election where she would probably win because people just saw the GOP over ride the will of the people by kicking her out.
  14. Abortion Medicaid redistricting legal weed should all be on the table as possibilities in Wisconsin now and they weren’t just a few hours ago.
  15. If Kelly is such a bad candidate, why did Wisconsin gop roll him out again after he got dominated a few years ago?
  16. Supposedly, the Wisconsin GOP offered to amend their shitty 1851 no exceptions abortion law to include protections for life of the mother and an exception for rape victims, but dems wisely turned it down and said it didn’t go far enough.
  17. suck it Fascists.
  18. I wish Texas dems could find a guy like this to run their party. Wisconsin dems have a good one.
  19. He got his damn head caved in. It’s nice to see democracy and human decency will be returning to Wisconsin after about 12 years in the dark ages.
  20. Janet off to a great start.
  21. Seeing some good signs out of Wisconsin. People should be sick of the GOP running things there. Throw them out on their ears!
  22. The states maps are the biggest joke in the country. The gop routinely gets 44-45% of the statewide vote, but receives 65 out of 100 seats. The maps need to be fixed. That’s the main reason I’m pulling so hard for ms. janet oh yeah don’t forget….. these scum bag’s neutered the governors powers after their shitty governor Scott Walker lost , but before Evers took office. They also got Kanye enough signatures to put him on the ballot in 2024 just to steal votes from Biden. I don’t fault people for trying to win, but these kinds of tactics are dirty and uncalled for. go janet P. Please bring decency back to Wisconsin.
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