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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. Wouldn’t work because Wisconsin has a dem governor. Wisconsin republicans are so unbelievably dirty tho. I wish I could personally slit their throats when they pull shit like this.
  2. For those interested, 538 is planning to start live blogging the trump stuff this afternoon then they’re going to stay and analyze the Wisconsin Supreme Court / Chicago mayor results as they come in tonight.
  3. If I saw that, I would’ve just laughed my ass off and voted for the opposite party. Doubt that type of ad would work.
  4. How the fuck do you only record 1 hit at home against mediocre at best pitching all night long after knocking their starter out of the game early?
  5. Any update on this race? Most important election of the year probably
  6. Yeah he’s a good person….. unlike the shitty people in eastern Ohio who were “outraged” when president Biden didn’t come show up and support them after the chemical spill, but voted for trump by over 30 points and would tell Biden to fuck off the other 364 days of the year. Biden was in Ukraine doing something for the whole country at the time.
  7. Need at least 1 point tomorrow. It sucks that Colorado got to rest at home for 2-3 days while we come in after playing last night.
  8. I can’t believe Kentucky beat us to the punch in this extremely obvious and not at all controversial reforms. Texas really does have a lot of stupid people running it.
  9. Rural repubs are so worried about guns to realize that they’re getting screwed by their own party on pretty much everything else. Good job to Georgia rural repubs for protecting their own interests. Hopefully school vouchers fails here too. to an extent, the same shit is happening with Obamacare. Rural hospitals and rural folks are the ones who suffer most when their states aren’t receiving the Medicaid dollars and benefits from Medicaid expansion.
  10. In non presidential election cycles, I always pull a gop ballot so I can get the opportunity to vote against hot wheels abbott, potty Patrick, and indictment Paxton twice. It never does any good, but I’m doing my part every chance it comes up to get rid of those dingleberries.
  11. Don’t like the timing of this trump indictment. The most important election of the year is on Tuesday. Granted it’s an off year, but this is the democrats chance to finally get a fair shake in Wisconsin. right now the dems are getting rat fucked there. The Wisconsin House delegation is 6-2 gop, the Wisconsin repubs routinely win elections in the state senate and general assembly by capturing 60-70% of the seats with only 45% of the statewide vote due to gerrymandering. The dem governor is pretty much powerless. I hope this doesn’t amp up the trump base in Wisconsin.
  12. We need trump to stay alive until 2025. The Republican Party can’t be spared from the civil war that’s coming. It will probably be so bitter that it will torpedo any chance of them winning in 2024. It will be similar to the effect Bernie bro’s had on the Clinton campaign after they promised not to vote her when Bernie lost.
  13. Hawaii has failed to pass recreational legalization this year. Why they failed this year? I don’t know. They finally have a governor who will sign it, but still struggling to get it across the finish line. minnesota, Delaware, and New Hampshire are the best hopes this year as of right now. Need 1 to keep the overall momentum going, 2 would be great, and 3 would be amazing.
  14. Would love to see Tate voted out because he sucks, but we haven’t got as many wins out of controlling the governorship from those states as I hoped. I thought Kelly could get some form of legal medical pot in Kansas and prevent the GOP from making the house map worse. She failed at both. JBE did help lousiana get their marijuana laws updated to what is pretty good for a southern state, but he couldn’t help us at all with redistricting. We should have 2 dems in us congress and the GOP kept us at one. Beshear hasn’t gotten us any wins at all in Kentucky as far as I know. these dem governors are just placeholders unfortunately. Still better than GOP whackos I guess. wisconsin Supreme Court is the important election in 2023. The Wisconsin maps are more rigged than anywhere else in the country. They need to be fixed.
  15. Just got totally butt fucked by Vancouver again. They just took a giant shit all over our playoff positioning in the last month.
  16. Funny how the GOP has constantly demanded updates on Fetterman’s health and attacked him non-stop, but McConnell gets hurt and disappears while the same GOP shrugs their shoulders and does nothing about it.
  17. The comeback was fun, but overtime losses don’t help us this time of the year. Look at the conference standings, none of the other teams in the west are losing. We can’t afford these losses right now.
  18. We’re definitely not being represented by our best and brightest. In Texas, the more crazy you are, the more you win. Get on a stage, talk about thrashing the libs, throwing transgenders into closets that lock permanently after closing them, carrying guns to churches and kids soccer games, pretend to care about the children, and freak out about some obscure book in a school library that most kids don’t even find or check out. do all these things and you’re a winner in Texas.
  19. “Irresistible” candidate theory always pisses people off because those rarely ever exist. If said employee was that good, they would already be employed somewhere.
  20. What an epic choke. 9 points total in the entire 4th quarter. Missing wide open shots and not getting any rebounds on defense. Fire the coach or blow up the roster PLEASE.
  21. Stars seem to have krakens number. Need to crush them and keep trucking. Avalanche isn’t letting up at all.
  22. North Carolina is one of the few hold outs left?
  23. This thread is a bit eye opening. With a 3.6% unemployment rate, 10.8 million job openings, and many baby boomers retiring per day, I figured finding a job wouldn’t be so excruciating right now. 2008-2013 was pure dog shit. 3 million openings, millennials trying to break into the job market, boomers living longer and not leaving it despite being retirement age and ready for retirement.
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