We’ve had 3 major recessions near the end of the last 3 GOP presidents tenures. If voters support the GOP, they deserve what’s coming to them.
1992 - elder bush. Iraq war and economy was in the toilet.
2008 - W bush. “Weapons of mass destruction” which we never found any. Should’ve left saddam in place because the Middle East became much more unstable without him. Putting 2 wars on credit cards while simultaneously passing 2 huge tax cuts pretty much tanked the world economy and resulted in what will hopefully be the worst recession of our lifetimes.
2020- Donald trump. Passed a massive tax cut for the rich while the economy was doing well. Didn’t need to pass the tax cut at all, but I guess the GOP felt like they had to do something and a bunch of crusty old rich white dudes ( I’m white) can’t think of anything else to do, but make their pockets deeper. The coronavirus wasn’t Donald trumps fault of course, but he gave the virus a crucial 2 or 3 months to spread unabated while he pretended the virus wasn’t a problem in order to try and preserve the stock market. 3 months later, little Jared Kushner was in charge of the White House covid response, they analyzed that nothing but blue states were getting hammered by covid at the time and they didn’t want to help those states out and make it look like they were “ helping the libs” when the trump administration spent 100% of their time trying to own the libs.
so yeah……if the American public votes for these people. We’re fucked, but most Americans are stupid and have terrible memories or terrible awareness so fuck them.