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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. https://www.thetrafalgargroup.org a nasty trafalgar poll from Nevada.
  2. It’s so sad that 1 letter besides someone’s name makes them electable. No matter how stupid and unqualified they happen to be. “Because R” has done so much untold damage to this country.
  3. Polling sucks with this race, but maybe Beto can help Texas dems win some other races like last cycle he was running. most recent poll I saw was cripple 50- Beto 43
  4. Seems like it has been a mixed bag recently. The house outlook seems to be improving for dems, but I just noticed that the Atlanta Fed dropped their GDP projection for this quarter from 0.5 to 0.3. A negative rating would be really bad and would ramp up the GOP recession talk into overdrive at the worst possible time. Even if it’s a measly 0.1 or 0.2, need this to be positive. https://www.atlantafed.org/cqer/research/gdpnow?panel=4
  5. Don’t know how accurate this guy is.
  6. It’s total bullshit too. Because the state GOP in many of those states both don’t allow election workers to count early voting and mail in voting before the polls close, then it’s the same people who complain about how they were winning before the “fix is in” and they “stole the seat”.
  7. Is the NC race really that bad tho? Cunningham would’ve won last year if he could just keep his pants on and Beasley will turn out the black vote, out ran Biden in 2020, and has won statewide several times before. I think there’s a good chance Beasley is being ujderpolled or Budd overpolled.
  8. Ohio makes me so angry with their 13-2 Republican gerrymander in what’s probably a 55-45 Republican state. I doubt the voters will even care in this shithole.
  9. I’m happy about the news. It’s obviously much much better than the announcement that those seats are solid R now. We just need more of these kinds of updates. That’s all I was trying to say. Hopefully we get a few more like this before November arrives. I just want to avoid complete morons like boobert and Marjorie Taylor Greene having any power whatsoever. It would be a joke and a disaster for the country.
  10. Every little bit helps. Still need more to shift left tho.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/north-carolinas-senate-race-break-182102464.html interesting article about Beasley and the senate race in North Carolina nobody is talking about yet.
  12. A run off seems good for dems. The main reason I say that is Kemp would be off the ballot then after his presumed win over Abrams. I just hope the senate makeup for the run off is 50+ D so that we can afford to lose it.
  13. The latest Dallas morning news poll was awful. I think it was 51-40 hot wheels.
  14. That’s the state of the GOP right now. Suck up to the orange god or else.
  15. Arizona Trafalgar poll had lake +4 and Kelly +2. I highly doubt masters gets within 5 of Kelly. The guy is an awful candidate.
  16. don’t forget the hated Rush Limbaugh telling millions of his followers that the coronavirus is basically a version of the flu and the dems are conspiring with the media to use this to in his own words “GET TRUMP”. Im so glad that moron is gone.
  17. Generic ballot polls still look pretty good. Have we switched over to likely voters yet?
  18. $2.99 is possible by October. What a boost that could be for the dems. All the MAGA idiots wouldn’t give Biden any credit, but it could help to lower inflation for the October report which is hopefully positive. main thing is we need no major gulf hurricane.
  19. https://www.businessinsider.com/far-right-gop-laura-loomer-refuses-to-concede-florida-loss-2022-8 what a nut job. Freak.
  20. The same idiots would be praising Trump and saying that he was playing “4D chess” if he did the same thing.
  21. Polling was pretty good in 2018 ( the last midterm). Trump threw off polling in 2020 and made polling look terrible by getting every hate group under the sun to the polls when usually those people stay on the sidelines and spew their garbage to anyone who will listen.
  22. I understand that, but for the good of the country. We needed the deal to get done. The work these fine people do is just too important.
  23. Chic fil a employee getting rough and tough with one of the customers and aftermath. Right wing because everything associated with chic fil a is Republican. Those Christians can make a mean chicken sandwich tho.
  24. Fox News and the repubs are just shitty miserable people. I truly believe that if Trump was in office with repubs in congress that people here wouldn’t be rooting for a rail strike. The ramifications of a strike are so so bad. Inflation off the rails, gas prices spiked, goods not getting to where they need to go. People would have been really hurt by this in so many ways and the GOP doesn’t give a shit.
  25. Looks like a deal has been struck.
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