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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. Dems racking up wins that actually help people while all the GOP seems to care about is investigating hunter Biden, repealing Obamacare, and tax cuts for the rich. why can’t dems win most nationwide elections by 20 points? They should.
  2. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/16/democrats-midterms-hopes-washington-00052049 more evidence that we a aren’t looking at a GOP red wave. Washington state gave very bad signs about how unenthused the democrats base was in 2010 and 2014. in 2010 primary : democrats received 48.5% of the statewide vote. in 2014 primary : democrats received about the same. In 2022 primary : democrats received 55.4% of the statewide vote. these are all midterm election years. As we all know 2010 and 2014 were abysmal years for the dems and we really don’t want to see something similar to that this fall. This is another positive sign that a democrat wipeout isn’t on the way. We might be currently in an environment that more closely resembles 2020.
  3. It makes me sick that this shit is happening in the first place, but I hope the media keeps breaking stories like this until November. Republicans need to pay for their Supreme Court win.
  4. Anyone disappointed about “ only keeping the senate” is crazy. McConnell is obsessed with judges. He horded tons of nominations besides the very notable metrics garland snub. We need another 2 years of appointing judges. We need to be able to replace a Supreme Court justice if we get lucky and one of the GOP justices retire or croak. keeping the senate for 2+ more years is great if we can hold on to it this fall. It’s way more important than the house.
  5. Alaska is weird tho. Will probably take them several weeks to count everything.
  6. I’d be interested to know how many are women and registered after roe v wade got struck down.
  7. I wonder how some of these people function and do things like go to work, pay rent or a mortgage, or walk upright. All they can come up with is “he’s a democrat, can’t vote for him“? Serious? Republicans have brainwashed the state. low information voters are so annoying.
  8. It’s telling how pissed they were at Chris sununu for not running for the NH senate seat. Sununu would’ve taken Hassan to the cleaners and won by 5-10 points. So glad he decided not to run.
  9. Feeling the loss of Sheldon Adelson now spinning around on his worm farm instead of being able to write $100 million checks for the GOP to try to win seats in congress.
  10. That guy destroyed her.
  11. Tarrant county ( where I’m from) is crucial for the future of the states politics. It actually went blue in 2020 by the slimmest of margins and I really hope the trend of it turning blue continues.
  12. I think Fetterman would be crushing it no matter who his opponent is, but it’s fun to see him constantly dunking on Oz. He’s a 5 star senate recruit like Kelly in Arizona or Warnock in Georgia. One thing democrats are way better at than republicans seems to be candidate quality.
  13. I admit. I didn’t even know that rule and I’m surprised it’s even there. I think they could get close to 2/3’s support in the house, but probably struggle to get 1/3 in the senate. The Texas senate is way way way behind the times. Holy shit those people probably don’t even know what iPhones are.
  14. No…….Texans in the legislature have made sure that we don’t have a ballot initiative process like many states do. They really don’t care about Texans and don’t care what we think. They just want as much power as possible. I could collect 5 million signatures from Texans supporting the legalization of marijuana and it wouldn’t mean jack shit because there’s no process for an everyday citizen to qualify something for the ballot in Texas. meanwhile, people in Oklahoma and the dakotas are coming up with the necessary number of signatures. Those states actually do give their citizens some input. will be interesting to see if they pass it. I hope they do and I think it will win in some deep red states this fall.
  15. Would like to see something happen on marijuana reform. It’s a ballot issue that wins even in deep red states. I wouldn’t be surprised if “inferior” states to Texas like North Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri, and Oklahoma embrace recreational legalization this fall at the polls. Bathroom Dan really fucking sucks. He’s kept us in the dark ages on this issue all by himself.
  16. I think it should be 3.00 give or take. 4.00-5.00 seems to really hurt the economy. and yeah I don’t know shit about oil and gas. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.
  17. Would be a miracle if his approval got up to 44 or 45. I know before the 2020 election it seemed like dotard’s approval rose a bit.
  18. Annoyed at how oil companies and speculators took advantage of Russia invading Ukraine to rack up record profits. Freaking crooks. I wish the price would never go back up, but unfortunately it will.
  19. A lot of chatter about GOP voter registrations catching up in Clark county to reduce the firewall and Hispanics turning their back on the dems.
  20. It’s ridiculous and embarrassing that we keep electing a loser like Ken Paxton. Does your average everyday Texan have no morals? Are people really that clueless?
  21. GOP is very enthused!
  22. Nevada worse than I hoped, NC better than I hoped. Florida, NC, and Ohio I’m trying not to get my hopes up at all tho.
  23. Democrats odds in the house betting market have risen about 5 points this week. GOP still massively favored but, it’s still an improvement.
  24. Would be nice. I know dems pretty much punted on the 2010 and 2014 elections and we’ve paid dearly for it ever since in gerrymandered maps, judges, and senate seats.
  25. For any night owls out there…. Hawaii polls close at midnight cst if you’re bored or want something to track.
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