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The Original CaliHorn

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  1. Highly recommend them. Fare pricing on alcohol and a good meal from their kitchen. Utilized them for two High School Championship games when Longview made the grade and one Cowboy game.
  2. Honestly, I want the Gomers for the National Championship Game.
  3. Sark for better or worse is a tactician and believes in continuity. Look at his lack of utilizing Manning. It’s only about loyalty and internal support for “the guy”. We’re definitely in a great position with him for the long term and see continued national success, This is no Mack Brown.
  4. Our offensive line better get their shit together or we’re in for an ugly outcome in 9 days
  5. That was clearly targeting especially with the defender launching himself
  6. Not liking what I’m seeing…..We’re keeping these fuckers around. Hopefully, it doesn’t bite us in the ass.
  7. Saw them on the Far Warning Tour at Reunion Arena 9/10/1981 at they were fanatastic
  8. Was at that game as I lived in So Cal for 18 years. Thank God that era of 8-4 Mack Brown place sitters is over and saw to many Holiday Bowl games with Texas in attendance
  9. Klubnik will be a top 5-10 draft pick in the NFL, First time for me to see him play and was impressed with his pose.
  10. I think we have the balance to make the run that we had in 2006. Only outlier is Auburn
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