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Everything posted by Apex73

  1. Btw I honestly don't care if they change the names and tear down the statues. Just seems stupid and like its not going to make a real impact. The song is what I don't think should be changed just because it could have been perceived as racist a long time ago. That's reaching. My point was everyone is everyone is going to walk away from this and forget about it soon. Then something else will happen and the problems we aren't addressing still won't be fixed and they will demand more change. Its an endless cycle from that perspective.
  2. Well nearly all of your responses have been pathetic so I guess Im just trying to catch up.
  3. Yea the police are just going out looking for people to shoot up. Jesus Christ the world isn't a giant liberal arts campus.
  4. Uhh it's easy. You have no evidence of me being racist so you have no backing to that claim. That's not my position at all. I'm saying that this is a small stunt that is being made to take the eye off the obvious problems though not intentionally. But whatever man. Keep thinking anyone who disagrees is a racist. It doesn't help anything and nobody cared about it until recently was my point.
  5. Well I certainly think its unfortunate that you think people with different views than you are pieces of shit. No room for nuance. No room for thinking. Maybe I would support it if it actually meant something but it in no way makes the situation any better. Im not angry at the kids themselves, but I do not support mob justice with no room for discussion.
  6. I agree they kill too many people but I also agree that its one of the hardest jobs to do. They need more training and funding. Not to be defunded. When people get defunded do you think they feel the incentive to do a better job? They only killed a little over 200 black people last year which we agree is still too high. But it doesn't support your opinion.
  7. Or maybe you just don't like the fact that the data doest support your opinion. Whatever dude.
  8. Across the board the data suggests they are being treated just as fairly as white people. Look up the Washington Posts stats on police killings last year. Of the 1000 that were killed over 400 were white and by far the biggest number on the list. Makes sense since there are mostly white people in America. Of the entire bunch 28 were killed unarmed. 19 were white. 9 were black. Where is the unfairness? Now you could argue that study doesn't account for certain variables which I think would be a valid argument, but if you are just going off the numbers the data doesn't support that theory.
  9. Obama disagrees and so do I. Saying that's not a major problem is completely ignoring reality. I didn't go to a well funded public school. Is the system racist against me too? I grew up in a shitty part of southeast Dallas. I got harassed by police too. Got a gun pulled on me once by one cop. I'm not saying some of them weren't racist but its more an issue of class and culture. And that doesn't make the treatment justifiable.
  10. Im saying those are the problems we need to address. Those are the facts. Im not saying we don't have a responsibility to help that cause as as nation, Im saying that this is just shooting in the wrong direction and the problems will still exist when its over and we will be nowhere closer to that community being in a better place.
  11. In my opinion the other side is taking their eye off the ball. The biggest problem facing the black community isn't racism. It's the fact that over 70 percent are born without a father in the home. Its the fact that they are responsible for most black deaths in the country. Around 7000 black people died of homicide last year and 93 percent of that was done by another black person. Where is black lives matter on that? Im all for protesting police brutality but this is just reaching for morality points. Its not just that I have black friends. Ive talked to many people of different races on this issue that disagree with me. And I don't just have a black friend I have many. I lived with 2 black friends for 5 years and Im not afraid to tell anyone my opinion regardless of race or social circumstances.
  12. Thats such bullshit. You have no idea how many in depth conversations Ive had with people on the other side of this issue. Fuck off.
  13. Gee I didn't know it was emotional to have an opposing opinion and speak up about it. You can have your opinion and I can have mine. I stand by everything I said.
  14. Id love to continue this battle of wits with you but its appears that you are unarmed.
  15. Thats not what any of this is about. Like I said before, nobody gave a shit about this until the recent narrative changed. Now people are just looking for reasons to be outraged. Its sjw culture part 2. Welcome to the land of microaggressions, safe spaces, no nuances, and no going against the ideology or you are a terrible person.
  16. I didn't say we should stop trying to progress or stop talking about it. I'm saying that I don't think this approach is progressive. People are acting like we haven't made any progress and thats absurd.
  17. Yea and we've done that to a magnificent degree. What do you want? A 100 percent no racist society. Im sorry but that just doesn't seem realistic. Is America more racist now than it was in 1960? Please tell me how that happened. The idea that magnificent progress hasn't been made on that is nonsense.
  18. I disagree that the changes they propose are positive. I think they accomplish nothing. And the fact that you can't have an opposing view without someone implying you are a terrible person speaks volumes about where we are with this. No room for nuance. No room for discussion. No room for thinking. Its agree with us or else. Thats a mob mentality. And the only reason any of this is happening is because of the recent narrative. Nobody gave a shit about this until recently.
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