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Everything posted by Apex73

  1. I mean the eyes of Texas isn't just special to white people. This is just mob justice. Not thought out at all. Ignorant like your comment.
  2. This is all bullshit and just mob justice. Don't care what anyone says.
  3. Ok I understand that but that doesn't have anything to do with controlling the way people speak.
  4. I don't know how you can say that if someone loses their job over it. Comedy is one of those things where we talk about uncomfortable things to laugh about them even though we know how terrible they are. Im not advocating for no guidelines in the workplace but this is getting ridiculous.
  5. Ok but who gets to decide what harassment is. The point is it if we have a society where people can get reprimanded or fired because someone felt a certain way about what someone said then we are just pandering to vaginas and out for a witch hunt.
  6. I think that is taking it a little too far. If the joke doesn't have malicious intent I think that is kind of ridiculous. Btw are you gonna enforce that both ways? My bet is on no. You have way too much white guilt.
  7. They aren't doing anything different than any other elite program when it comes to that.
  8. It doesn't necessarily make the joke not racist but if it doesn't have malicious intent then its being overblown.
  9. Yet they keep bringing in great recruiting classes. Must be doing something right.
  10. He's like the Jordan Peterson of college football. Stuff that seems like common sense being preached but he's not wrong.
  11. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    I say the narrative because the news cycle stories change so rapidly. No one gives a fuck about coronavirus anymore because all this shit started happening. If you don't think there's a clear pattern of the media manipulating the story thats being told then you are the one who is tone deaf. Strong feelings or not Drew Brees should have the right to his opinion about anything. And they are acting like he doesn't was my point.
  12. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    Do you hate capitalism? Corrupt capitalism yes which is what we have in America. Capitalism in theory is a good idea. The saints putting pressure on him to go back and change what he said made him look like an ass.
  13. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    I think it takes only about 3 seconds of thinking to come up with that conclusion.
  14. It's not anybody's responsibility to get involved other than management. If someone tells a slightly racist joke I don't think that qualifies them for spreading race hate. You have the prerogative to either ignore it or speak up and say something but you can't take the words at face value when someone is joking because you are forgetting about the variable of intent. If you tell management about it and they decide to do nothing, depending on the circumstances they aren't spreading race hate either. If its blatant racism in malice and management decides to do nothing then that's a problem and would be considered at least tolerating race hate.
  15. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    Unfortunately that definitely seems to be the case. How some people equate that with being racist is beyond me.
  16. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    Exactly thats what I just said. But the reporter asked him a question specifically about kneeling during the anthem and just gave his opinion on it. Don't see whats wrong with that. Because you don't discuss further about the issue doesn't make you a bad person.
  17. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    This didn't have anything to do with the George Floyd situation though. He was talking about the anthem. So I don't know what the protests have to do with it. Because you can really tell how he feels in what he said just the day before. People don't just rapidly change their point of view that quickly. Its obviously pandering which made him look like a tool. He shouldn't have to apologize for his opinion on that though. Thats ridiculous.
  18. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    I understand they have a right to protect their brand. Doesn't change the fact that he had to change what he said according to the narrative. So its basically like I said, your'e not allowed to have the opinion if it gos against the narrative.
  19. If that really is just about the other police officers that were there then I can agree with that but if the narrative is everyone who has an opinion on this is silent (which seems more likely) then its nonsense.
  20. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    I agree but it is kind of like he doesn't have the right to say it when the saints say you gotta walk that back to protect our brand.
  21. Apex73

    Drew Brees

    I mean is he not allowed to have that opinion? Whether you agree with him or not the idea that he's a bad person because he said he wouldn't support not standing for the flag is nonsense. Can't deviate from the narrative at all or people will just jump your nuts. His apology just made him look like a tool. In that instance Trump was right. He shouldn't have to apologize for his opinion.
  22. Ok thats a little bit of a ridiculous thing to say. I support these guys rights to say whatever they want but the whole silence is violence or silence is betrayal narrative is bogus. The idea that someone has an opinion but doesn't want to share it publicly makes them violent or a betrayer is nonsense. Who would say that if George Floyds brother decided to be silent on the issue? No one. Not saying they don't have some good points and I definitely believe a conversation needs to be had about all this but the silence is violence narrative is nonsense.
  23. I can confirm. I dated a Yale grad a few years back. ALWAYS the victim.
  24. Sounds like Levar Burton has taken too many hits to the head. Needs to get on some reading rainbow and educate himself.
  25. I never said it was far fetched. I said maybe and its speculation. Which it is.
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