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Everything posted by Apex73

  1. Ok, racist boomer Translation: I'm not intelligent enough to have a counter point so I will throw out an emotional response like racist without any evidence because apparently I don't need it. Btw I'm not a boomer. I graduated from UT in 2011. You clearly never learned how to think.
  2. Wrong. My opinion has nothing to do with them being black. I am challenging the the foresight of young people in general. I get that this is what kids do but it doesn't change the fact that this is not going to fix any of the problems. If it makes them feel better then fine. I don't have an issue with that. I simply said I don't know why we are all expected to celebrate that like it's a significant accomplishment. Grow up and stop trying to pander and race bait. You are acting like a child.
  3. They may be enacting change but they are going for the lowest of hanging fruit and I don't know why we are supposed to celebrate that like they had just won 12 national titles in a row. Not saying they shouldn't do it but lets not act like they are changing the world with any of this. They are literally just making themselves feel better which again is fine.
  4. That's a moronic comparison to make. You say no one person is bigger than the University but apparently that doesn't apply to you if you play football. At least be consistent with your bullshit.
  5. It's all about compliance culture. They realize they have leverage right now and they are using it. I fail to see where compromise happens when people are demanding and screaming or tone deaf and dismissive but this is a little bit silly. It's gotten to the point if you don't immediately give into my demands then you must not care about them which is absurd. I'm all for most of the proposed changes but calling them demands for one already sets a bad precedent. Young people have gotten to this weird point of thinking that if you don't give into my demands then you are a terrible person. It only takes 3 seconds of thinking to come up with a conclusion like that. Sounds like he needs to go home and have a real long serious conversation with himself. The world doesn't revolve around Demarvion Overshown or any individual in particular. That being said, I hear his concerns and I support him being able to say whatever he wants. And I hope he decides to come back because I think he has a ton of potential.
  6. Do you know that or do you google know that?
  7. Your'e friend is not looking at things realistically. That's easy money for you my friend.
  8. The media also has a narrative that they run with and it has different sides to it depending on which one you watch. Once again if you think the media isn't at least a little bit fueling this or that the protests didn't have anything to do with the spike, you are not operating in reality.
  9. What I said wasn't dumb though. It was a perfectly rational point of view. If you think the media isn't at least a bit blowing this out of proportion or that the protests didn't have anything to do with the spike then you are kidding yourself.
  10. Yea and it all causes hysteria. I don't know how you can say they are worse than the media though. A few conspiracy nuts getting shit on by everyone doesn't hold near as much influence as the national media which is also fueling this in a lot of ways. I still find it hard to believe the protests didn't significantly impact the spike.
  11. Yea I'm not denying we opened shit back up way too fast and that definitely contributed too but protests definitely contributed heavily too. I don't care what the media says. Protests have way more people gathered together at once than restaurants, businesses, bars, etc. Talking about people by the hundreds and in some cases thousands. Though there are new studies out that suggest UV rays kill the virus so I could see that being a possibility in some areas if protests are being held in sunlight.
  12. Wow what a great opposing view. Do you have anything of substance to say or is that what you do to avoid having a discussion you don't have the intelligence to engage in? I'm gonna go with the latter.
  13. Well for one thing you act like those are the only cities that had massive protests which is absurd. Especially in the case of New York, did you forget they had a ridiculously high number of cases, like way more than everyone else for awhile before the protests? Of course those numbers are down from what they were then because they were insanely high. To act like having massive gatherings didn't effect the numbers, your'e completely kidding yourself.
  14. There's a lot at play here. Not trying to downplay the seriousness of this issue but if you run with every hysterical social media post or story the news posts on this you are very easily manipulated. They have to keep the hysteria up because it sells. It should be of no shock to anyone that there is a spike in cases right now. It's like everyone forgot we just had a shit ton of massive gatherings in protest of police brutality. But if you watch CNN they say that had nothing to do with it which is absurd.
  15. Oh I am very aware of the ignorance that reigns supreme within the human species. A lot of it is reflected on this board.
  16. Those are probably the same 20% who believe Elvis is still alive.
  17. Uhh, that's not really how language works. You don't get to decide or control who says what. It's not possible. I doubt if all the words that came out of your shit mouth were able to be heard that you would have a job on Monday.
  18. It was rumored the 12th man was the one who whipped the slaves.
  19. While that is a hilarious response, Fat people don't have as much to gain as black people do in this country. Fat people have everything to lose. Get it. Wink. Wink.
  20. Except we aren't winning that much.
  21. The problem with blm is they were promoted by the Russians in a political move to divide the races. If they were storming Washington to make change like some sort of Malcom X movement I would totally be behind it but it's always just holding some rally and screaming at cops. Not really that impactful honestly. On their website they are openly unapologetic about promoting the black race only. Which I guess is fine but it alienates a lot of other people who probably agreed with you.
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