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Everything posted by Apex73

  1. Yea once again there all different viewpoints on this issue and none of them are necessarily wrong but she comes off like she's not really willing to listen.
  2. They are kids. Kids today are all about instant gratification. And when they don't get it they throw a fit on social media. But hopefully the conversation is headed in the right direction.
  3. Everyone is just venting and nobody is listening. You have to have a conversation from a similar starting point meaning agreeing on what the facts are not letting your opinion dominate the conversation. Everyone is starting from opposite ends and not moving towards each other at all. We are all guilty of it.
  4. Dude I never said I was withdrawing anything from the school. I said I donate a lot of money every year so I felt my concerns were valid. I never said I was going to stop giving money to the school. And I don't have vast wealth. You are assuming quite a lot.
  5. I didn't blame you for anything. And yes even though Ive changed my opinion that doesn't mean I didn't have anything of substance to add before I did. I'm saying if you're going to continue to come after me over a trivial issue like the song then you have no interest in having dialogue. You just want to smash people with different opinions than you. Which on a message board I guess is fine but I'm not going to engage in conversation with you anymore if you have nothing of substance to add.
  6. It was but that's neither here nor there at this point. Are you going to continue to come after me or be apart of having a productive conversation? Because it sounds like its more important for you to be right at this moment than have anything of substance to add.
  7. I think that's a real trivial thing to be upset about personally but like I said, not everyone has tough skin and thinks about things like that the way I do. I think we have and continue to make this a place where people feel welcome based on the countless testimonies of friends, classmates, former players, and everyone involved. The overall experience has been remarkably positive. But I agree that it gets the ball rolling in the right direction.
  8. Not that it doesn't exist to a certain degree, but the problem with white privilege is it's often used as a way to shut down conversation meaning you can't have an opinion on this topic because you are white which is absurd. I just don't think that term is an effective way of having a productive dialogue about sensitive issues like these. It alienates people who might otherwise agree with everything you say because it comes from a place of racial divide.
  9. I disagree because they don't seem to have a well laid out plan. I still think this will die down in a few weeks and everyone is going to think job well done and it's over until the next time something bad happens. Maybe they do, but I doubt it since they are kids. If I know anything about today's 18-22 year olds, it's all about instant gratification. And they will probably get that, and I'm afraid it will take something else horrible to exact actual change. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day.
  10. After a deep conversation with myself and one of my friends, and examining my own unconscious bias, I have changed my opinion and come to the conclusion that systemic racism does exist. Particularly in since of two things. 1. The drug wars long lasting effects on the community. 2. And politicians constantly zoning lower income predominantly black neighborhoods into the inner cities. This has created a long lasting effect on the populations that grow up in these neighborhoods. Not all obviously because I come from a similar lower class neighborhood in Southeast Dallas. I should take notice that myself and my friends resilience to be able to come out of that isn't shared by everyone in that community and that's not their fault because they are set up to fail. You couple that with the other facts that most of the people I grew up around didn't have fathers and you have no direction and what seems like no hope. So you are crippled before you even start the race. And I consider myself very lucky to have a father even though he was an abusive asshole. I would like to continue the dialogue with a more open mind and heart going forward. Sometimes even at my age I forget that I can't expect everyone to have the same attitude against the odds as I do no matter how helpful I think it might be. However, I do think we are attacking this issue the wrong way and I still believe the kids are going for low hanging fruit but that's what kids do. They don't understand the big picture yet and that's ok. I also think systemic racism is a very amorphous term that's used in so many different ways that it kind of makes the argument unsustainable the way it's presented. And I also stand by what I said that a lot of you are pandering and have too much white guilt because some of the things said have been absolutely ridiculous but I guess some of the things Ive said have been too. I would suggest based on some of the responses Ive got, y'all should do the same thing and have a deep conversation with yourselves. And I think there are still far bigger issues at play facing the whole community. In short, I always will support the team and the players. It was never about shitting on them so much as it was the execution of the ideas. Longhorn for life. Hook Em.
  11. That's really not what I meant by that but if you want to take that out into far left field then that's on you.
  12. I'm aware of what it means. Iv'e studied it extensively. I wasn't trying to frame it as an ethnic issue. I was trying to explain the danger of a collective mindset that subjugates guilt on a group of people. It wasn't about comparing it to the song. It was a response to saying America is full of white privilege. That is targeting a specific group. If you can't understand that then you don't know what words mean. You took everything I said completely out of context in what it was in response too. It wasn't about the song shithead. Btw I love how a song that everyone was fine singing and repping until recently becomes "my little song" once it becomes unpopular. Apparently when it's wrong I have sole ownership. That's rich.
  13. I think it's a pretty ignorant thing to say that I have never been treated unfairly especially on an individual level but I'll play along for now. I will address all of those things in a little bit.
  14. My post wasn't designed to take apart all of those things but I can go into greater detail about all of that and I will shortly. It was designed to show you the madness of collective thinking attributing guilt to a whole group of people.
  15. I explained my case on this above but it doesn't sound like you bothered to read it. What's ridiculous is you think you can just label someone a racist without any evidence of them being racist. There is evidence that people of all races are screwed over to a certain degree but in the 21st century if you are born in America, you have way more privileges than people born anywhere else. And the data doesn't back your claim. This is what people do when they have no argument. They label you as racist, hateful, etc.. if you don't agree with their point of view. You are nothing more than a ideological bully and not a very intimidating one at that.
  16. You don't get it and that's ok I guess. Adult conversation isn't for everyone. I could say the same for you buddy.
  17. He's a political troll dude. He's said nothing of substance this entire thread.
  18. If you live in a first world country, particularly America, then we all have privileges. The benefits of being born in the 21st century are that you are not necessarily held down by the social class you are born in. You can start out as nothing and work your way into something regardless of race. We have millionaires and even billionaires of all different races and backgrounds. We had a black President not long ago. Is affirmative action not a privilege? So the people who invoke the myth of white privilege is really only pandering to gain sympathy. It's used as a way for people who have no balls to do what they want to do in life to blame shit on the system as if the system is keeping them there and acting as they don't have the freedom to make changes. And that kind of thinking is not race specific either. I think the idea of white privilege is completely reprehensible. And I'm not saying white people aren't born with certain advantages. Most people have advantages in some way or another and you should be thankful for those advantages and work to deserve them. But the idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime regardless of the specific innocence or guilt of the constituent elements of that group, there is absolutely nothing that is more racist than that. If you really wanna know more about that sort of thing you should read abut the Kulaks in the Soviet Union in the 1920's. Because they were farmers who were the most productive people in agriculture in Russia and they were virtually all killed, raped, and robbed by the collectivists who insisted that because they showed signs of wealth that they were criminals. One of the consequences of the prosecution of the Kulaks was the death of 6 million Ukrainians from famine in the 1930s. The idea of collectively held guilt at the level of the individual as a legal or philosophical principle is dangerous. It's precisely the sort of danger that people who are really looking for trouble would push. Just a glance at 20th century history should tell anyone how horrible that is. The players have privileges too. Because they are athletes they get free stuff all the time. They dine well. And let's be honest, a lot of them aren't playing here for free now. And I'm not saying they shouldn't have those things because I believe they've earned them. Using a term like white privilege is too vague because it's not just whites who have advantages in American society. I often find that its used to shut down an argument meaning your opinion doesn't matter on this because you are white. Being white doesn't inhibit the ability to use your brain and have a valid opinion. I think that about covers it.
  19. That's such a tired and worthless argument troll. Every group has privileges in different ways. What special treatment? You must be speaking for yourself or rich people.
  20. Lol. She said you'd say that. I know what the context was. No one said they didn't fucking support them as people. That is basically what your'e saying. Anyone who has an opinion different than that according to you doesn't support them. Which is the dumbest fucking thing Ive ever heard. Yea I do take their word for it as in I believe they believe it is offensive. But that's the deal with topics like these. It's subjective. And if someone has a subjective opinion other than the one the players have according to you they don't support the team. Or if someone points out they are in the minority that thinks that way that they also don't support them as people. You put your own standards on how someone looks at someone personally based of a subjective opinion discussion.
  21. Triggered. How about the fact that you shame other people for having an opposing view than yours? You claim that because someone doesn't support the players demands means they don't support the team. That's fucking retarded. You can have your mom come pick you up now. I'm almost finished with her.
  22. You could. Just like I could call you retarded for all the dumb shit you've said. But it won't just be me. Plus I don't know how I would be singing "over" it. I don't have a voice that carries over a full college marching band and 100,000 people.
  23. Yet in the thread about our players you said my opinion was morally bankrupt. So when it's Mississippi State's players who get offended they are a bunch of pussies but when it's our players it's a morally bankrupt position to have that exact same opinion. And you justify it by saying just because you don't feel it should be changed doesn't mean it's not right that the players don't. Why doesn't that apply here? Why should they not be offended? Unless my sarcasm meter is broken, (entirely possible I could have it in the wrong context) you sir are a hypocrite.
  24. Really? The entire black community? You must be under the impression they all think the same way. Yet the ones who oppose your opinion are condescending. Takes about 3 seconds of thinking to come up with that conclusion.
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