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Everything posted by Apex73

  1. Btw when they change the song to different lyrics no one should feel obligated to sing the new version. You should be able to sing the old song if you want to. If anyone calls you a racist because of that they are fucking retarded.
  2. I'd rather be real with my opinion and have what is perceived as the low ground than just side with the narrative for the moral high ground. Not saying everyone who disagrees with me is doing that. I'm sure a few believe all the players demands are perfectly reasonable. But there is a lot of pandering and white guilt going on here.
  3. Na I was just pointing out what you guys have been doing the entire thread. You can interpret it however you like. Doesn't matter to me.
  4. You just can't have an opposing view of it without getting shamed. Iv'e given up on the idea that there is much nuance on here. Any opposing view you have against the players will be shit on here. Even if you bring up good counter arguments the mob is waiting for you to say something against the narrative so they can show you how "woke" they are. It's all about having the moral high ground so they don't have to take on the sins of their ancestors and put it on anyone who disagrees with them. That being said I really don't care anymore. They can change whatever they want and my opinion on it isn't going to matter anyway. Still love the players and I hope they have a successful season. Always will be a longhorn for life. Hook Em.
  5. Micheondra Williams, a College of Liberal Arts sociology major, learned about the alma mater's history from a friend. "I have to admit that I was a little bit shocked to read about the song's history," she said. "But there aren't any words that put me down or degrade me, or make me feel negatively about myself or anyone else." That's the part you left out. Try to be more professional in the future sir.
  6. I have nothing to prove to you. You can look back at my first post. It says word for word what was said in the article. You make me sick. Your'e a jackass.
  7. I feel the exact same way about you. I never said they weren't going to have their say or have a problem with them having their say. I'm saying I don't agree and I told you why. It's not enough for you to get over that but I explained my valid concerns. I know society will endure. We are all on the same team at the end of the day. We all bleed orange. Hook Em.
  8. They are all just humans and don't have the capacity to think logically anymore than any of us. You do come after me. You use emotion as a way to navigate your argument instead of actually having a logical adult discussion about the issue. I will agree when I said everyone who supported this was just pussies looking for witch hunt was out of line. At the end of the day we are all on the same team. We all bleed orange. And I still love every one of y'all for that. I love being apart of this university and I love the fact we can disagree and still have something in common. We want these kids to be successful on and off the field. I just disagree about the methods and measures they are taking to make a statement that is obvious to the masses. Hook em.
  9. I have let them say their peace and I disagree. Apparently that's too hard for you to understand. I don't have to agree to understand what they are talking about or where they are coming from. Do I think they are influenced regardless of what they say? Yes. Because from ages 18-22, which is what most of these guys are, they don't have a fully developed brain and solidified thought patterns to not be completely influenced by the media they consume. That go's for all of us to a certain degree. But way more so for developing kids. Do you agree with every 18-22 year olds ideas about how to make change? You hear what you want to hear from me and take what I say out of context. You are the one who is close minded in the since that you can't see how someone can have an opinion that disagrees with what the kids are saying and still support them. Their is no room for nuance or thinking in your point of view. It's agree with the mob or you're full of hate. That requires next to no thinking to come up with that conclusion. I'm not playing victim to anything. I just said what happened. I have an opinion that opposes the players point of view and you guys come after me for it. That's fine I guess. My opinion is not immune to scrutiny. But the execution of the way you guys do it is childish.
  10. Kaepernick was going to lose his spot anyway. It's already been said by multiple sources inside the 49ers. Him doing what he did was just the nail in the coffin. Not saying that was justified but thats the way it works in business when you are trying to protect your brand. You're right. We should listen to the players opinions and what they have to say and Ive done that. I still disagree with them but I support them. Im not against our players and want them to succeed in football and in life but the idea that I don't agree with them and I think they are kind of being led astray by what the media and their emotions are telling them makes me a bad person is absurd. I have just as much of a right to my opinion as they do and you guys are acting like I don't. Get over your bullshit and start having a meaningful conversation. Because by coming after me like you guys are doing, is only further solidifying my point.
  11. You stopped the quote at the point where it supports your point of view. If anyone actually reads the article all the stuff I said is valid. You are just cherrypicking the parts you want to express.
  12. Yea my opinion is worth just as much as any human beings. I support these guys and pay a lot of money to university year in and year out so I think my opinion holds a little weight. Im not ignoring what they are saying I just disagree with the notion that it will have any lasting change. Did it bring anybody closer together? Does it draw a light on police brutality? No it just strokes the ego in the fact that I got someone to comply with what I wanted. Im allowed to have an opinion opposing what the kids want and can still support them. You have no room for nuance in your point of thinking. Everything isn't so "Black and White" so to speak. You are just a victim to the narrative. We keep electing the same people hoping for change then get mad when it doesn't. I didn't put into policy that minorities should be treated unequal. But you don't care. You will just champion for anything that your narrative supports because it doesn't require you to think. God forbid someone expressing their mind and give a different opinion.
  13. In that same it article the person they interviewed said they were shocked by the history of the songs origins but did not feel discriminated against and felt it did not impact anyone negatively in any way. You are reaching. Mining for morality points. You make me sick.
  14. You hear what you want to hear and take what I say out of context. Iv'e explained why I think it won't make a difference long term. You clearly disagree. That doesn't mean Im dismissing them or I don't care what they think. Do you have any idea how to use nuance? It's just my opinion. If you think it's a stupid opinion then that's fine. I really don't care. But that doesn't mean Im dismissive of the players concerns.
  15. These in particular, didn't seem to bother them until recently. In the long run ask yourself what is this really going to achieve? I think that's a perfectly reasonable question to ask about this. I think it's perfectly reasonable to criticize it for being trivial. But if they want to tear them down because it will momentarily make them feel better than so be it. I predict it will not have a long lasting effect and something else will be demanded in the near future.
  16. I would say you can say "I can hear what you're saying" and still not agree with the demands completely. In a sense you're right. I have no idea what their minds are like. Im sure it even differs amongst them. In the same way, you don't know what my mind or the other posters you mentioned are like 100 percent. I already said earlier I think they will walk away from this thinking they did a good job while not really accomplishing much in the bigger picture. It sets up a weird precedent where every time something happens that's bad you run in with a list of demands on the University to make change even though the University didn't have anything to do with the crime. And if you disagree with the demands then you apparently don't care about the players which is absurd.
  17. This is exactly what I'm talking about. The idea you can't have an opinion that differs from yours on black lives matter automatically means you are ignorant, insensitive, and don't care about black lives is nonsense.
  18. I feel like a lot of this discussion has been blown out of proportion so to clear up any misconceptions..... 1. I definitely support the kids rights to say whatever they want and talk about the issues with whoever they want and I can understand the frustration with a shitty system that has failed to address the issues with it's lower and working class citizens. However I don't agree that the more outraged or hurt you are correlates to being as justified. 2. We definitely have a real chance to improve our interactions with police if we have an effective discussion about reform. I definitely support everything the guys have said on that front for the most part. There needs to be a change their but it needs a more careful approach than just defunding the police. 3. I really don't care if the players and students want to take down the statues or rename the buildings. It's just not really going to accomplish anything and I don't really think its gonna make anyone feel better but whatever. I think changing the song is asking for a lot. That's where it becomes a witch hunt in my opinion. 4. The idea that if you don''t agree with some of the aspects that are going on makes you a bad person is not the way to handle this. We have a lot of people on this site that are pandering because of a ridiculous sense of white guilt. The implication is that if you don't agree with what the kids want right now then you don't care about them or black lives. This is an absurd notion. So if I don't agree with what they want then I must think the way things are currently are perfect and no need for change. That's also an absurd contention. But this performative "woke" virtue signaling from white people who are taking on sins that were not theirs so as to take the sins of a broader group of people who are not them. Meaning when you a performative woke liberal and they say "Im taking on the sins of my ancestors" really means "Im not taking on the sins of my ancestors all the other white people who don't agree with me are taking on the sins of the ancestors." That's what's troubling. 5. I support these kids in all their future endeavors in football and in life. I hope their experience and the University of Texas is one they look back on with pride and satisfaction. I know I certainly do. Hook Em.
  19. LBJ didn't put that policy into place until 1964. He wasn't even president in 1961. It absolutely did happen and continues to be one of the biggest problems facing the community today.
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