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Everything posted by NameWithHeld

  1. You have stalking problems slick.
  2. Ok if you say so.
  3. You probably would've graduated
  4. It's really nice that you have no problem with lying under the Obama Administration. Depends on whose ox is gored I guess
  5. Not in the USA. That is Verboten. Brennan was asked UNDER OATH if the CIA was spying on US citizens and he said "No". He lied.
  6. So you are happy the Mr. O'Rourke did his best to win for Texans? Even when there could have been other ways to spend the millions of dollars he raised?
  7. So you are excusing the CIA under Brennan? Okay.
  8. Not that fucking stupid. Please explain his spying on Americans. He was the head of the CIA for fucks sake.
  9. Tell me how you can support John Brennan and what he's done. He's fucking spied on Americans and you don't seem to fucking care. READ HIS HISTORY.
  10. Holy shit that communist voting POS is a UT alumnus? My degrees just took a hit. Fuck.
  11. Sounds kinda aggy-------------like running out of time. I guess he has his dignity but he fucked over his supporters by not going all out Moral victory I guess.
  12. Okay. I know people who know people that described Robert O'Rourke's attempt, as part of the City Council, to gentrify an area (predominately Mexican-American) of El Paso as shitty and called him a sell out. He was the lackey for his billionaire FIL William D. Sanders. So I guess Mr. O'Rourke's halo has been dinged. Oh gawd what do we do.
  13. It looks good in campaign commercials
  14. There are plenty of CITIZENS in this country that could use those blankets etc. Give to the Salvation Army etc.
  15. Or were thinking about voting but NOW will for sure.
  16. Pro-Abortion. No.
  17. Good Gawd. All of you "Beto" Boys are going to really crash and burn on next Wednesday.
  18. Not for the wealthy Chinese. They want a way to escape if their country goes sideways. The poor----after they give birth----------yes.
  19. Except when it destroys the environment you live in. You have no concept on living life and working----------you can't considering the statement you just made above.
  20. Not in the eyes of the baby they don't know any difference. Again the children born here from illegals are being used as pawns plain and simple. I get it, you and the others that share your viewpoint would welcome the world if they came here and gave birth. You would throw open the "treasure chest" of the U.S. welfare system and tell'm "its all yours, come one come all". Where does it stop? Again, no country even comes close to the USA in having illegals giving birth to "citizens" . You know it's not by accident, everyone knows where the treasure is buried-------------on American soil. Hell, the rich Chinese come over on "birthright" vacations to grab their citizenships.
  21. Unfortunately you gotta start somewhere
  22. That's how the people who come here and give birth see it. If you can't see that then you are fucking blind.
  23. As much as I would like that to change I am speaking about NOW going forward. There needs to be a starting point.
  24. How many of those 30 plus countries have 10s of 1,000s of people coming across the border, dropping an anchor baby and claiming birthright citizenship and enjoying all the welfare benefits of that country? Something tells me not too fucking many.
  25. How? If they are born here they can be shipped back with their illegal parents. How is that actively punishing the children---they wouldn't know the difference.
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