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Everything posted by NameWithHeld

  1. Why are you dems so Pro-illegal alien and rewarding them with citizenship for their children born here? Fuck the people who abide by the rules?
  2. So if you break US Law by illegally entering this country and give birth to a child we should reward the illegal alien by granting citizenship to the child and by default giving the parent(s) permanent residency? Stupid the people that actually do it the LEGAL way wait years/decades and pay a lot of money are bypassed. They are the ones who will contribute to this society and will not be a drain. Seems fair to me
  3. Hypocrisy on the left.
  4. Except that video wasn’t. I guess the Think Progress talking points didn’t mention that. BTW how is Project Veritas racist? Please cite examples.
  5. I guess you’ll ignore the video evidence too. Perfect.
  6. Arizona just baffles me. I can’t believe after all of her derogatory quotes about Arizonans that Sinema has be linked to including having no problem with people going overseas to fight with the Taliban. McSally was a 28 yr Air Force Vet who was the first female pilot in combat and the first to command a Squadron in combat. Say what you want about the other races this one shouldn’t even be close I have faith the voters of AZ will not make it close with McSally winning handlely. Then again I thought Texas would beat OSU without any problem
  7. But isn’t Bredesen a liar? Project Veritas showed the video of high level campaign staffers saying that Bredesen said he would support Kavanaugh but really doesn’t, he was trying to get moderate GOPers to vote for him. The latest poll shows Blackburn up by around 9 points so that lie probably didn’t work.
  8. He now says he “made a mistake “. Harry go play with your rubber bands again. Maybe those will “snap” some sense into you.
  9. Is this the “brainiac” Don Lemon who, a few years back, asked a NTSB expert if the missing Malaysian jet could have been sucked into a black hole. That Don Lemon?
  10. The same could be said for people voting for the “D”
  11. Tell me where I’m wrong? TN/AZ/NV should hold IN/MO/ND/MT and possibly NJ flip. W.V. Mancin is in trouble too MI is also possible and who knows maybe MN since Keith Ellison is free falling. I’m not even counting FL
  12. Sorry but the Rs will end up with 55-56 seats in the Senate.
  13. But was he voting for Montana during his tenure.
  14. How’s Keith Ellison doing? I heard he is dragging down the DFL ticket
  15. I understand and they are your friends but talking big and actually pulling the lever can be two VERY different things.
  16. But in the quiet and lonely confines of the voting booth will they pull the “D” lever for Beto or the straight ticket “R” lever. Most Rs in Texas probably will pull the straight “R” lever. Hard Fact or soft reality.
  17. Probably more than will vote.
  18. Are you saying he didn’t try to run away from the scene of the accident and wasn’t stopped by someone there.
  19. Yes it does Hillary.
  20. Well there’s that......
  21. Sounds a lot like a certain “dossier” doesn’t it.
  22. His peers are liars and slime. As much as I hope and know Beto is toast at least he has been honest.
  23. One week from right now you’ll either be reaching for the single malt or Drano.
  24. That’s because it’s a free campaign ad. Not saying there is anything wrong with that, just a fact.
  25. That’s pretty much right on.... much to the chagrin of a lot on the left
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