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Everything posted by NameWithHeld

  1. Not if Purdue keeps running those jet sweeps and trap plays with the little ones.
  2. Not after tonight’s loss
  3. Now how far does Ohio State fall? Outta the top 10?
  4. Gee injuries with under 5 mins hmmmmm. Does that cause a timeout
  5. Those plays look pretty salty
  6. Nahhhhhh
  7. Actually it’s his balls
  8. WOW! Don’t EVER talk about the right wing’s conspiracies after posting the above. This makes the Clinton’s “Arkancides” theories seem incredibility sane by comparison.
  9. Hiedi Heitkamp says “what the hell, voting no on Kavanaugh fucked me good”.
  10. My thoughts on the response is not the question. The question is how anyone could believe that it’s DJTs fault and he somehow gave the green light to kill journalists. Wow
  11. If you believe what I quoted then I really feel sorry for you.
  12. No way. Have you read the squirrelly quotes from her in the past?
  13. Didn’t she say she did not remember to just about every question concerning that night?
  14. You can’t seriously believe that.
  15. I’ll ask again, what other questions should she have been asked that she didn’t already answer? Seriously.
  16. For being scared of flying she sure earned some miles.
  17. I thought she was under oath for hours. What other questions should she have been asked?
  18. What I don't get is they say taco tech is our toughest remaining game, yet we haven't played WVU yet. WVU is in Austin and we play Tech at tortilla flats.
  19. Okay who is the next “Beto” in line?
  20. I’m sure you didn’t suffer.
  21. Shouldn't english be capitalized?
  22. It's like the dumbass aggies saying "tu" for Texas. If it pisses you off then it worked.
  23. Welcome to politics.......................ain't nothing changed.
  24. That's about a 40% drop (going from 33% to 20%) which I would say is a huge change.
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