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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HookMD

  1. I will never recover from this.
  2. So, Luke Perry has not argued that...#toosoon?
  3. Meh.
  4. Subscribed
  5. And clone wars and rebels are also on there out of the gate.
  6. The Carter....ahahahahahahaha. LameAF
  7. Bevo in Carbonite.
  8. That would be Carl.
  9. Drinking is just borrowing happiness from tomorrow.
  10. A centaur has 2 ribcages.
  11. Had the top one back in the mid 80s
  12. Kenny Rogers with Gallagher opening...😢
  13. Half Coca Cola / Half Diet Coke and small seasoned curlies...
  14. Jesus, Somebody change that poor man's diaper. It is loaded. He reminds me of this guy...
  15. FK this thread...
  16. This is great.
  17. I remember buying this CD at the end of high school and playing it in my dad's car, which had a nice sound system. It was one of those albums that sounds better and better the more you turned it up until it was shaking your chest during the heavy parts.
  18. I wish they would have a Heavy Stage for 1 day... AIC, NIN, etc
  19. Dive bar overheard conversations: I have three kids, but they were all by c-section, so my p---y is still real tight.
  20. Even though I know it will probably be trash. I still can't wait to see it with my kids, so that we can be disappointed as a family.
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