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Everything posted by marriedup

  1. Brag alert - my kid has been running the kitchen at Ramen Del Barrio. Since he's started they've been a finalist for James Beard best new restaruarant and now the Michelin Bib Gourmand among other awards. the photos now on the Michelin site were dishes he made. He's a self taught grinder who woke up one day and decided he loved to cook and wanted to work in kitchens. Could not be more proud!
  2. In Sausalito right now and need a bar rec before hitting Sushi Ran - any ideas?
  3. while out drinking, this place is great for walk-in giant slice https://www.piezaapizza.com/, For the morning after, https://biscuitheads.com/. Chai Pani is OK, but would probably skip if your wife isnt into Indian.
  4. this was one of my questions to my dad - is the land going to be a right of way or is it going to be developed on? I dont think he was completely sure of the answer as he just repeated Publix and retail strip. He does own some of the surrounding area with his brother, which is not in this trust, and I'm not sure if its a separate part of this deal that his brother is working on.
  5. this is very helpful - per the LOI it is a ground lease that gives tenant right to make improvments. tenant has renewal option every five years. the property is in a trust with my dad as signer. He is, in my opinon of sound mind, but was fairly defiant about signing the LOI. Both my sister and I told him to wait so we could further investiage, so he signed it the next day.
  6. that is what I was thinking - seems like a senior getting taken advantage of. 25 year lease wtf - I'll be dealing with it a lot longer than he will.
  7. My 83 year old dad has signed an LOI to lease some property to a developer of a Publix store and associated retail strip. The LOI appears to me to be very one sided- and I told my dad that but he signed it anyway. Details are - a suburb of Birmingham, a little over half an acre, 25 year lease starting at $4k per month and increasing 10% every 5 years. There is currently a car lot on the space. I dont know anything about commericial real estate in Alabama, but 25 years to a major project starting at $4k per month seems grossly low. He says he talked to a commerical realtor but I dont believe him - should I wait to really cause a stink when the actual lease is presented, or is this a fairish deal?
  8. Surly covers too much ground. My parents are from Jasper and we still have a house there. My Uncle Tommy speaks in a language only the locals can understand, I nod along and laugh when he pauses. Who's up for beers at the Tallulah brewery Thanksgiving weekend?!
  9. I rented a house in Chacras de Coria near Mendoza for a month when my kids were younger. I said at the time that we should have never returned to the US and still kind of think that. There is a TexasEx that is COO at Vines of Mendoza and she was a great resource in setting up wine tours, horseback riding and dinner recs and pretty much anything else. BA is great, but highly recoomend the wine country.
  10. yes that was them. she was pissed at the guy getting in your kids face. and hey their seats were better than mine!
  11. wife and daughter also were in 328c and that description matches exactly what they experienced. they couldnt stop talking about the coked up asshole in acid washed jeans sitting in front of them.
  12. My birthday lunch with family is always at the Chili Parlor. When my kids were little they would bitch about it (nothing fried!) but tough shit, it's my birthday. Now that they are grownish they still give me shit about celebrating my birthday at the Chili Parlor, but they love it. I catch them going with their friends, so passing the torch to the next generation and doing my part to keep old Austin alive.
  13. when I was growing up, whenever we went to visit my grandad in Breaux Bridge, he took us to either Pat's or Don's in downtown Lafayette. Looks like they are still open 40 years later so they must be doing something right.
  14. just voted at city hall downtown atx. two other people there - hope that isnt an indication of voter interest
  15. marriedup

    Gym Pet Peeves

    it's the fact that I gave him shorts - and he's still wearing jeans. I thought I solved the problem, but now I'm irritated he took my shorts and still isnt wearing them!
  16. marriedup

    Gym Pet Peeves

    My building has a workout room - just basic stuff treadmills, ellipticals, some machines and free weights. Its usually empty until this time of year of course. New guy starts coming in and doing 30 secs of everthing, including some wicked kick boxing moves on hanging heavy bag- all while wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Far be it from me to be critical, I'm old and just trying to do basic stuff a few times a week - but this guy is under my skin and the jeans wearing is killing me. So after I keep encountering the guy, I think maybe he cant help wearing jeans, maybe he doesnt have shorts. So I put an extra pair of shorts in my bag and sure enought the guy is working out in his jeans the next day. When he's walking out, I offer him the shorts and he accepts, so I think the problem is solved. Nope, all three days I see him last week he's still wearing jeans. I can't take it.
  17. I was there a couple of months ago. The Cellar at Duckworths was a pretty cool speakeasy. Ate at Sea Level one night was no PF Changs, but you may enjoy it anyway.
  18. If I'm walking around anywhere in public and see someone with a gun, I'm not thinking they are there for my protection. I'm thinking get away from this loon and find a cop.
  19. there is definitely some confusion here. the top 6% are guaranteed admission. That doesn't preclude other non-top 6% getting in. At my kids high school, 36% of his class that applied to UT got accepted, and most of the ones that didnt get accepted were offered CAP of PACE which could put them on campus sophmore year. The skew is likely due to a much lower acceptance rate for McCombs for example than other UT colleges. And my kid, who may have been in the top 25% got in without me having to buy a building so its possible....
  20. Daughter did not make HS cheer, so her pivot is to try golf. She's 14 and has never picked up a club to my knowledge. Any insights on junior programs around Austin, lessons, clinics, clubs or anything else that may get her interested without breaking the bank. Although I will say with the money flushed down the toilet for cheer related nonsense I may come out ahead!
  21. HA - those are perfect. Also added tells a horribly sad story and calls me a radical. We are thinking she gets most of it filled out today and will have to create a new card tomorrow.
  22. Looking for more ideas for grandma bingo card
  23. Had a David Bryne sighting in the wild last year during ACL. Was biking home friday afternoon during festival, and DB was stopped in the middle of the pedestrian bridge under Mopac - all white suit with cropped pants, leather satchel, fixie bike, - taking pictures of downtown with an old camera. I hit the brakes and thought - wow this is exactly how I'd picture it.
  24. Have the same issue with brainwashed by fox parents. Last year my sister got them a subscription to USA Today - being olds they like having a paper delivered and would have never read news on a computer. Say what you will about USA Today, but its brought in a different perspective and they have really eased up on the trumpiness.
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