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Everything posted by Gaffords

  1. Must be nice to have a kicker that can put it between the uprights
  2. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm so glad that is over. That wore me out.
  3. Fret not. It's gonna be a repeat of the last time the devil came down to Georgia....
  4. So the correct answer is Would Not? I'm so confused
  5. Best bowl loss of the season! Whoop!
  6. Young kids these days. What happened to protractors, paper clips, and chewing gum? That's how your grandpa did it. That's how I did it.... Well okay. Maybe not me, but you get the picture.
  7. Tenn looks super slow. Or is it just me and my drunk eyes
  8. 12 team playoff might not be the answer. None of these first rounders have been very competitive. I don't see ASU or Boise St being a threat to win it all either. ND? Doubtful... To make a 12 team playoff even interesting the first round, they need to do away with autobids and go with the 13 best teams period. There is typically only 3 or 4 teams any given year that is a cut above the rest.
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