This. Also a parent of a former D1 athlete.
Clearly, opinions vary, I suspect largely based on age. Asking any kid to "do the right thing" while they are watching other kids get bigger and faster is an exercise in futility. For those arguing "just let them all juice", you either don't understand the health impact or you don't care and want to say "they are gladiators, they know what they are doing". Lot's of people think that way and it's their right, but it's a chicken-shit position as far as I'm concerned.
As much as I hate all the targeting crap and general wussification of the game as a spectator, it's selfish and dumb to just say "let them play without rules, they know the risks". PED's are no different, you have to protect these kids from themselves and that's what the rules are for. I also don't buy the argument that steroids aren't near as harmful as the general risks of playing the game. There are some PED's that would be considered low risk (more common for endurance athletes), but extended abuse of anabolic steroids is almost always going to cause problems. It's also pretty easy to test for steroids compared to some of the blood doping stuff, so it's just a matter of how aggressively they want to enforce the rules.