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  1. Invitational tournament coming up at the beginning of August. I'm assuming (hoping) it will be head to head match-ups rather than the few previous tournaments that have all been on public servers. Can't wait to see who can camp the hardest! http://www.xgames.com/minneapolis/article/27210371/rogue-misfits-nrg-team-liquid-cloud9-compete-exp-invitational-apex-legends-x-games-minneapolis
  2. Liverpool duh. Manager is fantastic, playstyle is fantastic, currently winning trophies, tons of history, but haven't won the EPL since it was instituted so when we win we'll be totally justified in celebrating like we've never been there before because we haven't. Plus the US fanbase is pretty enormous so you'll have plenty of people to watch games with.
  3. People in Alaska just looking for any excuse to murder people nowadays.
  4. Can Van Dijk have his Ballon d'Or now?
  5. Just woke up from my celebratory post-game nap. WAY TO GO REDS! First trophy of significance since I started following a decade ago. Couldn't have happened to a better group of players (and coaches).
  6. Do you start Firmino in the final if he's available? I'm torn...he's obviously a great player, but I'm worried the layoff due to injury plus these extra 3 weeks is too much for him to be ready for a match this big. Maybe I'm being an idiot and the answer is obviously yes. Talk me down. I'm sure Spurs fans are having some similar questions about Kane.
  7. Damn that felt good.
  8. Without question. He's more than proved his worth in depth over the latter half of the season.
  9. Seen numerous articles saying that Apex is basically dead...I don't see it yet, but have noticed Twitch view counts have dropped off significantly in the last 7-10 days. Do you think this game has legs?
  10. Can't wait to find out how this pig gets off. Besides what we already know, of course.
  11. It's more fun when everybody in the family roots for the same side, anyways. Easier logistically, too.
  12. But when it does, of course Liverpool has to be one of them.
  13. Love this, but I think you should google the lyrics.
  14. Holy crap that is an optimistic take.
  15. The dinosaur is a nice touch.
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