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Everything posted by Beigebandit

  1. I haven’t even had my coffee yet and with this news I won’t need it
  2. I got fucking goosebumps watching this while driving to work!! Got dammit Hookem!!!!
  3. Great get. Welcome Jalen
  4. Finally!!! Our own QB named Jalen!!!
  5. Parks, Recreation, & Tourism woooooooo boy that’s got to be an academically taxing degree program
  6. https://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/24052302/wimbledon-2018-how-some-drug-testing-figures-really-pan-tennis
  7. Yes, and they’re both dead now so there’s that........
  8. Tennis uses USADA to do their testing and it has been written about in many articles and on TV numerous times that’s Serena is actually tested at least 3x more than any other athlete in Tennis and she has never failed a test.
  9. Welp, guess the writing is on the wall for Ransom
  10. Really, how much less?
  11. Dez pointing to Quay and Quay throwing the guns down!!! Noice!!!!!!
  12. The kid has been semi famous and a star since he was 11. I would be surprised if he didn’t have this type of attitude
  13. Who else is running in this video??
  14. That 10.35 sounds slow af when Matthew Boling from Strake Jesuit just ran a 9.98 today
  15. Is Corey claiming to run a 4.4 40 as well???
  16. I thought he was all blOw U
  17. As a Judson alum this is less than ideal!! We’ll be alright tho
  18. None of them went to SA Madison
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