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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. People forget that under the surface the Sopranos was always cryptic with tons of subtle symbolism. I'll admit that I wasn't observant enough to pick up on all the subtle clues. But ultimately it is very clear that Tony was whacked in that restaurant.
  2. Nah, Dexter I feel like I'm cursed. My favorite shows ever were Lost, Dexter, and Game of Thrones.
  3. So what's the point of the symbolism of the iron throne being melted if there's still gonna be a monarch ruling Westeros? Also, why does a show insanely pressed for time show Tyrion staring at a wall for 30 seconds, and dragging chairs around for another 60 seconds. It's like they still don't have 20 things that need to be explained.
  4. I'm assuming he's going to finish them before he croaks.
  5. The action is exciting for sure. It's just hardly any of the character's decisions or plot make sense. I definitely will be reading the books now to get the real story.
  6. Honestly it's starting to feel like this whole thing is being tanked and dumbed down on purpose. I feel like an inebriated chimp could write a better resolution to the story than this.
  7. Bronn's involvement in this last season might be the most disappointing thing of all. He was my favorite character. This season they just used him to drum up false suspense with no resolution, and his character is completely inconsequential.
  8. he could having been lying, but Martin said somewhat recently that he still has a ton of writing to do. I think probably the ending is already there but there are tons of details in between that need to be hashed out.
  9. whoever said the ballista were gonna go from shooting an impossible target at an insane distance last episode, to becoming stormtroopers in this episode, nailed it. they went from extremely effective to utterly useless. this whole last season is so surreal.
  10. in hindsight, there really shouldn't be a TV/Movie adaptation of a story until the story is complete
  11. I don't like how they randomly made Bronn a total dick now. He used to be my favorite character, now he's just a cunt. Writing overall is pretty bad now.
  12. the writing for this show has been really bad the last couple seasons. it's too bad that fat fuck needs 10 years to write a book. i'm hoping through all the cringe we get a worthy ending
  13. "You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy" ...holy cringe
  14. i'm starting to think there are gonna be 3-4 major plot twists this season. or maybe i'm just being really paranoid.
  15. Not to Cersei, particularly. But he is still a Lannister.
  16. there are theories that Tyrion is purposefully acting dumb and giving bad advice because he still has allegiances to his family
  17. When she give you the "come get it" eyes
  18. You're like the wretched spawn of Randolph Duke and danger_snax
  19. I'm a Texas fan. Some of the replies in the this thread are embarrassing.
  20. L for love!!!
  21. You're replying to a post from 4 months ago. Things have changed since a terrible loss to Maryland.
  22. Some of you just can't win with grace can you?
  23. I remember I used to tire of Mack's mantra of "10 wins every year" Now I'm just happy to get back there.
  24. Positive trajectory for Taggart Negative trajectory for Strong
  25. He can't even cut it at USF. The fans there already want him out after two years.
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