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Everything posted by DeadArmadillo

  1. One of you bean counters can make more of this than I can. But I see some big numbers, spending and debt. And the aggies owe a lot of entities a lot of money: Cost of Keeping Up With the Jones This Bloomberg article from last summer says aggie owed more than $300M BEFORE they signed Jimbo: It's Not What You Owe, It's What You Own, aggie
  2. The person in the red dress in between and behind 4 and 10 is not ranked. Or maybe the ranker figured it was a skeleton or maybe a cross dressing 75 year old man and did not to be included. #1 over on the far right is not a mom. She works for the facility where the slopfest was held and jumped into the pic to help out and kiss up to her client, apparently. Can you imagine how much they spent with her to cater that function?
  3. If all those games are against SEC, aggie is actually 202 - 0
  4. That's OK because a loss to UAB would be even more delicious if it's at Kyle. It's clearly possibility
  5. If by "win", you mean stay within 28 and avoid total embarrassment, then I agree. They may "win" against Ohio State
  6. It's slightly worse than allowing a child molester to coach young men and about as bad as looking the other way when you learn of player sexual assaults. Or maybe vice versa. It's absolutely one of the worst things a college athletic department can allow The NCAA should look into sanctions
  7. Same as my girlfriend
  8. That's gold right there Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  9. But, aggie Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  10. Spermberger with his first catch
  11. He's the most Mississippi looking person that I could possibly imagine
  12. So it appears that Mizzou, Kentucky, and aggie are all about even?
  13. Yes. Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  14. In Iowa, hot mom vs corn field. Which is more common? Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  15. Would the ticket price be higher if you wanted go without a rain coat? Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  16. I did refute it. I said: " It also shows that Tech had at least two games after the Texas game in every one of those seasons" I also just checked all the way back to 1960, Tech's first year to play football in the SWC. In ever season that Tech and UT played a conference game, Tech had AT LEAST two more games after the UT game. Every one of them. They had never ended their season with Texas in the Southwest Conference and not in the Big 12 until after A&M left. And even then, those three games were in Austin on Thanksgiving weekend. I really don't know why you're arguing. It's clear that you made some stuff up or you have a really and entirely inaccurate memory. I wouldn't be bothering with it but I'm stuck in Fort Stockton tonight. Days in Fort Stockton are 29 hours long
  17. Your claim is that Tech took a bye, played UT, then took two more bye weeks? Three bye weeks in each season, all in the last four weeks? A quick check of results back to 1973 shows no season that Tech played Texas after November 4th, until A&M left the Big 12. Every year that Tech ended the season with UT since then, the game was in Austin. It also shows that Tech had at least two games after the Texas game in every one of those seasons. There were five seasons that Tech had a bye the week before Texas. Not nearly every season. But what the hell with reality and trying to make The University of Texas a victim and a downtrodden underdog and all
  18. I guess it's not the case, but I would think that more fans would want to see UNT play UTEP
  19. Had forgotten that he's Jim Kelly's nephew And how much he likes to party. On a Tuesday morning
  20. The size of check I would write if it would make that happen . . .
  21. The spirit of the late, great Jerry Moore is guiding your team to prominence
  22. He said it like, "i kind of wish I had bought the Expedition instead of the Explorer because our we're going to have another child" As if aggies could decide the outcome and chose not to pull out the win. Like the fact that Clemson was a better team was not the reason they did not pull out the win.
  23. My mom's mother, Myrtle Smith, was from Pullman but went to UDub. She was always interested in the game
  24. Isn't he a grad transfer that UK touted as some heavily sought potent passer? Or SEC defenses and all? Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  25. It was weak. Until it helped a team score against OU. Then it became the correct call
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