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  1. I honestly can't think of any Texas BB hire that the media has not slobbered, and they have been 100% wrong (character is still relevant). At the end of the day a good AD is the #1 determinant of success and CDC is that, but I would never trust the media who sees Texas as a Tier III basketball school
  2. An argument could be made that he gets a mulligan year if he can't get any transfers in, specially with 2 nattys on his wall. That said Billy did have the same reputation as a coach that could not get over the hump, before he actually did it, but I don't remember the specifics why.
  3. See I see this as the worst case scenario. Good enough to not get fired bad enough to never ever win a natty. I already lived that with Barnes and it took forever to move on. Admittedly I could lower expectations for FF on a super stacked field so 2003 was the only time I was happy. That was one sick NBA draft, even with LeBron skipping college.
  4. I presume since grave robbing is a crime while dumpster diving with the half-ass attempt to find the owner means he just made $1119
  5. What type of defense does Miller run? I am so damn tired of the physical defense we always seem to run and then splatter when we reach the tournament, we need smarter defense with the ability to switch and deal with screens. At the end of the day it is the variability on 3pt shots, and well free throws, that can turn a cupcake into a cinderella. I am definitely eating some choice words about comparing Sean Miller's Arizona teams to the choking team up north.
  6. Man I love a well classified prime steak, so never really made too much fun of meat judging, but this is getting out of hand with the agro shit, next thing you know they will win the Directors cup of agro judging. That and well the sheep jokes
  7. The bald mamba was dearly missed by us Lakers fans, pretty dumb to let him leave.
  8. Yes it's called seeing unfixable coaching flaws. I can go into detail. The same flaws I see 20 years later and no national championship for him. Honestly sweet sixteen is not what I want, that is just a step.
  9. What is the mood on premium after their class getting flipped?
  10. The CHIPS act is over, everyone that dealt with enforcement was fired, they will pocket all the tax payer money they can and never build a real fab, it is so blatantly obvious, it is ridiculous how anybody could fall for banana republic import substitution. I am a proponent of import substitution, but done right, done correctly, this is not what this is, it is a clown show that will just waste money and give Trump propaganda with voters. It is funny how the invisible hand, comparative advantage, washington consensus and/or laissez faire is dead and buried, everyone is now fully on board with the shit I was a proponent off decades ago. The US could have had a soft economic landing instead we are headed for an economic collapse with stupid tariffs based on the whims of a petty man.
  11. Samsung's fab is not going to finish, with the CHIPS act enforcement dismantled they have all the incentive in the world to just pocket the money and not build a thing. Potemkin villages It is a tale as old as time, when you have a banana dictatorship that only cares about optics and never about results there is no shortage of international companies willing to whore out for a photoop groundbreaking ceremony.
  12. Trump's Foxconn factory... Look at this "10 billion dollar investment"... all they did was give Trump what he wanted a photo op in a ground breaking ceremony. Once that was over with and billions in tax money was spent. This is the site now Biden's CHIPS act actually created real bleeding edge factories, Trump in a fit of petty jealousy ended the program and whatever he is promising today will look like the empty buildings above, of course the sheep will be placated and excited about these promised factories and ground breaking photo ops, but I will be correct.
  13. "Human rights of people have been strenuously questioned" DJT in his life has never said "human rights violations" hence this wordsalad.
  14. Just to be clear a monitor factory is one thousandth the complexity and investment of a leading node fab
  15. They will never be built just like Trump's foxcon monitor plant is just an empty building
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