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Everything posted by linux

  1. It does not fucking matter it is done, I no longer care and only care about the votes, we can have this fine discussion in a concentration camp if we fail.
  2. Ok let me put this into perspective, the democratic party in primaries has only selected one woman in its entire history, the party of women has only voted once for a woman, the vote is hidden we are about to see how they really think.
  3. But it would be his record not Kamala, I don't think people realize what they threw away, all because of what could be a hissy fit, the same people saying he is too old could very well say she is too woman and too black. People love excuses to say why they are such a unique snowflake. Is it real or is it bullshit? we are about to find out.
  4. It does not matter Trump voters are lying they would have voted for him if he was in a coma, they need dem unity not Trump ammunityion, if the mega tent party does not coalesce we are doomed.
  5. Who cares about appreciation? the polling until after the convention will decide our fates, I am sure I will praise Biden in a concentration camp real hard then IF this all blows up in our face
  6. Who the fuck cares, it is irrelevant now, now we figure out if the democratic voters were lying or not.
  7. I want the people praising Biden to just shut the fuck up, he is done he is over he is no more, aside from the last remaining months of his presidency he is is 100% irrelevant, shut the fuck up and move forward.
  8. The first 2 weeks should define the race, if the democrats splinter like they are very likely to do, all that polling is about to get worse and unrecoverable. Biden stood a chance to recover, if the democrat starts equally bad it is completely over in 2 weeks.
  9. From my game Cameron Williams and Alfred Collins are missing, don't know if the fake players are replacements or not. Norton and Colin Simmons are in the game, the game moved Baker to RT on its own after making it impossible for me to do so.
  10. I am not joking when I say that last year's A&M OL was the worst position group I have ever seen playing football ( to be specific at pass blocking), sure many other schools are small and probably were worse, but them being their arrogant asses won't change next year so they will get the same good effort from opponent's DL, and they lost their starting C(Kansas) and a RG (draft) and their starting RT is moving to Guard, what could possibly go wrong??? Oh yeah Zhun, Drewberry, Nabou, Bisontis, Fatheree This can
  11. Scoring 100 is doable on full length quarters, get up to 40 on 5 minute ones. Now the goose egg... yeah you guys are cheating going that easy.
  12. Again for the people in the back if the same 81 million voters that voted for Biden in 2020 did so again in 2024 he wins by a gigalandslide. Please think about it for a second and then get back to me.
  13. I do care about their vote, believe me, but only because it is the win condition, Team Biden can run the country just fucking fine, hell they could do it trotting his comatose corpse for all I care, the problem is compounded by people saying "Biden is too old"... just get the coup done already, all this talk just makes things harder. Convincing the 81 million voters to go for Biden again should be the easiest slam dunk in history plus his disgraced coupster is running again and can only get 74 million. The clown has a HARD ceiling, he knows it that is why he is fake born again unity candidate... Instead we got the party that loves to smell its own farts and we have to make things infinitely more difficult.
  14. Joe Biden is old as fuck that was known in 2020, if you had no plan to execute a proper coup intra party coup then why should I follow you? How do you people not know that this is all a performative act to get big money donations? That is what it looks like to me a performative act at the expense of damaging the campaign.
  15. I honestly never bothered to watch it, I don't buy the accelerated decline, the decline is real but has been gradual over the years. The idea that he can not last 4 months is not something I seriously entertain (but it will up to him to decide) I don't care about anything after that, running the country. Team Biden can run it just as well as anyone, except for the softness of course.
  16. Doing it after the primaries makes it a coup, I honestly don't see how people are so blind to this, there was a process to do this, and you want to know the absolute most pathetic thing of it all? if we ran a snap primary tomorrow over the phone and all dems participated? Joe fucking Biden would still win if 62% want him to step down then 38% is his vote count and that is enough to beat the entire damn field of democrats. What absolute madness I would feel less worried if it was 99% that wanted him to step down, all we have is a damn democrat civil war in the wings.
  17. I still see the path to Biden victory he got the most votes out every candidate ever, the clown got second place and they will both come down hard in terms of votes, but all it takes all it fucking takes is to convince someone that voted for Biden to do so again. That is infinitely easier than changing someone's mind (generally only 1 in 100 do, never talk to MAGA). That is the path to victory, if Biden is too sick then so be it, but if he is a stubborn old man I am riding that old horse till the bitter fucking end.
  18. YES, WIN AT ALL COSTS! Cry about the phyrric victory later, you have absolutely no idea how they are not leaving power if they win, I am talking a combination of fake elections, third terms, cheating civil servants (after proj 2025 is done with them), VP not certifying the election, and lastly the SCOTUS rubber stamping it all, and that is ignoring the crimes against humanity that will be commited like camps for undocumented workers. I honestly don't care who wins as long as it is not them and I will be volunteering my time to stop them. I just want competence to win.
  19. Democrats could have won me over with a detailed and comprehensive strategy AND a homerun candidate this late, they have neither only the love to smell their own farts.
  20. Moral conviction lol, I just want to blow my brains out (yes I am joking) Even if you were to believe the whole spiel "I am better than MAGA I will always do the exact opposite they do!" all you do is paint yourself into a corner now everyone and their mother has a candidate because nobody is herding the damn cats. No war winner ever said "hey guys lets run this battalion like a democracy! It shows moral conviction!" No you do what is smart and what is smart is to win, I don't give a shit about Biden getting all the votes, all I care about is that getting all the votes is what fucking matters, that is the win condition. And for the record if people had morals they would not have taken money from big money donors, that is all they are doing now "hey my big money donor is telling us to do X!" How convincing there Pelosi.
  21. Its a coup, you could have run your candidates during primary season but refused to do so, this all smells like people wanted a backroom deal to pick the president. Where is my god damn primary for Biden Next? I thought so.
  22. Getting to the point where I always win on All-American but it is just abusing the jet sweep with Bond and then flipping the play with Bolden. I am not good enough to move to Heisman difficulty Next up is learning defense since there were too many shootouts late in the playoffs. Does anyone know how to switch Baker to right tackle? I can't find that option for the life of me, I convinced Banks to stay but need Baker at RT cause it is a wasteland there.
  23. So here we are week 2 of the Democrat coup and not a single fucking plan of action. What the absolute loving shit is wrong with you people? do you want to waltz in the election like headless chickens? Biden did not fail me by being old, your leadership failed you by being the most incompetent intra party coup in existence. I don't care if he is hiding a brain cancer he is getting my vote, I resigned myself in 2020, that you had 4 years and you failed to produce a candidate/ processs is an indictment on your wobbly knees. That is why you have my bile you have no plan so step aside. That being said AOC was right about demographics, Biden has the old people and independent centrists, something no other candiate can even replicate (much less Kamala) he needs to shore up the wobbly democrats and the left wing independents who are having a field daydreaming of their prefered candidate right this moment, shoring them up is doable far more doable than expecting a young candidate to get the best old people vote democrats will ever have in my lifetime. Granted COVID might get him so who knows now. But your shit plan still dooms us all if he goes.
  24. Georgia gave me fits and had to diversify, they actually jammed and released correctly giving the jet sweep a chance to lose yardage.
  25. Grindr said the RNC was their superbowl... People are insane... Ernst Rohm was a homosexual and he was the first one purged EDIT too late
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