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Everything posted by linux

  1. Michelle has never run for office or held any position, and she would be undermined at every turn with the obvious that Barack was the power behind the throne. Why do people do this shit? Honestly I think Trump won, not because he won a dumbass debate but because people are losing their minds, if 10 million democrats do commit suicide like they are sounding in opeds its over.
  2. I am sorry who the fuck thought Biden cleared the hurdle of being an old man in 2020? name one! He "lost" because Democrats panicked, that is it. Giving him a bar he never crossed in 2020, look young lol
  3. Trump already said he was ignoring it. Its half serious though, it is not that dire.
  4. Why do people care if it makes sense? I can explain it with three words "people are stupid" I have accepted an internalized it, losing is however simply unacceptable, and panicking bitches demanding a losing strategy because they are wobbling, is the real victory for the orange clown. There is no consensus candidate after Biden even if he calls it quit, I mean aside from Obama and people are too pussy to try that out.
  5. Needs to just hammer this shit 24/7 way better than "I did fine!" https://nypost.com/2024/06/28/us-news/biden-vows-to-return-for-second-debate-against-trump-after-disastrous-performance/?utm_source=reddit.com President Biden is still committed to the second debate against Donald Trump despite his abysmal showing on Thursday night. Biden, 81, will return to the debate stage in September, CNN Senior White House Correspondent Kayla Tausche reported Friday morning, citing an advisor. Biden is also not considering dropping out of the race – despite concerns from members of his own party.
  6. True, it is a lie that Biden had the bar on the floor, but admitedly going policy wonk is 100% failure never again explain complex shit Hillary lost on the same basis and she was not senile.
  7. Asking people to change their minds at this point is a losing strategy, while I do agree that policy wonks need to be thrown out the window of a first floor, it is irrelevant when Biden can show he is president daily, reassure people that he is handling the day to day, and probably open up more. While I do admit the basement strategy is a non starter, this is all GOTV, nobody was excited about Biden 4 years ago, his crowds were lame and he was hit with the senile old man bit, but there is no alternative, none. Whistling past the graveyard if fifth column like shit.
  8. No offense and I know you are joking but Trump won by making his opponents be bitches, demoralizing decent people is the toxic candidate strategy 101. You do that and he wins.
  9. Funny that was the same playbook in 2020.
  10. They just need to be presidential, show glimpses of Biden being president, morons are legit arguing "is he fit to be president?" he is president right the fuck now, use it. I am actually kinda glad that they are getting a kick in the pants though policy wonks in the campaign need to be taken out and shoved out, and am glad we got to this point early. That was Hillary's cardinal sin.
  11. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4745458-biden-debate-2024-drop-out/ President Biden is “not dropping out” of the 2024 race, a campaign official said following a shaky debate performance late Thursday that spurred talk among some Democrats of whether he should be replaced atop the ticket. “Of course he’s not dropping out,” Biden campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster said in a text message. The president himself brushed off talk over whether he should bow out during a stop at a Waffle House following the debate. “No. It’s hard to debate a liar. The New York Times pointed out he lied 26 times,” he said, referring to former President Trump.
  12. And Trump's case was that Biden was too old while he took the elephant, cow, tree test and aced it, AGAIN! Its laughable that people think people just found out Biden is old and senile it was a debate point in 2020.
  13. Its like they are being manipulated by the orange moron, part of the toxic candidate strategy is to demoralize YOU from voting. This election is GOTV, that is it 100% people made a decision already and seniors died and more gen-z are onboard and they want to broker a convention? Its done, I wish I could go back to 2016 and tell RBG Hillary to quit, but is done. There is no time machine and panicking is the real Trump victory of the debate. To convince people that it is possible to replace Biden, it is not.
  14. I already explained it, a brokered convention without a primary for people to fall in line is democrat civil war, stop pretending that this is an option. And the last time it happened both parties were brokered conventions meaning neither side benefited.
  15. They begged the same shit in 2020. It did not matter.
  16. Crushed in the first debate, which was fucking meaningless because it ended up being an election decided by a few points, are people as naive to think they really matter? people made up their minds, it is all GOTV now from now to Nov because this is a fucking retread.
  17. Everybody saw it coming, I saw it coming in 2020, its done though, there is no point wanting to change the past. Biden wins the stupid primaries of stupid democrats and there is nothing I can do about it, contested or uncontested he won them so he told us in the left to shut up and fall in line, not to write in Bernie Sanders. You threaten RBG to retire when Obama was president not when Donny was president. People need to understand the point of no return was crossed months ago.
  18. We had a a repeat of 4 years ago, the fact that people are panicking over the same strategy that won 2020 is extremely pathetic. Go ahead divide the party 4 months before an election, what a stupid call democrats are fucking idiots, there are no possible primaries that can quiet dissent, its done. No shit nobody denies this, the problem is that there is a democrat civil war after it.
  19. Aka not through the ballot box, aka Democrat civil war, the left will have their candidate the center will have their candidate the never trumpers will have their candidate and none of them will win a single election telling the rest to shut up and fall in line. The last brokered conventions were in the 50s which is as ancient as the Nixon vs Kennedy debate.
  20. Aka democrat civil war and Trump presidency.
  21. Stop asking for miracles, there is no god, work hard with the hand you are dealt, I don't see anyone here vowing to volunteer their time, if anything that should be what we take from the debate, not panic, but need to roll up our sleeves.
  22. And how do you pick them without a primary? have you people not realized what you are asking?
  23. If he died it might actually be better, all national elections where the candidate died before the polls had them winning the election all 4 of them.
  24. Except he is president right now and doing well, this is pretty dumb argument, all he has to do is presidential stuff tomorrow and that line of thinking is obliterated. The issue is that democrats are panicky fuckers and want something that can't happen another candidate without rerunning the primary process which is impossible. Its done Biden was never my candidate but it is done. Its like asking a new coach for the playoffs. Biden as a mentally handicapped old man sounded way rougher when he was retired and coming back from retirment, not when he is currently leading the country.
  25. I don't understand this statement, he does have that opponent, its like I am taking crazy pills, if Trump croaks the other guy stands a chance of winning but nobody really fucking cares about that?
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