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Everything posted by linux

  1. Super ballsy call on 4th and 1, not sure it was worth the risk but it paid off for Cal
  2. I skipped today and they all do this, saw the end of Michigan USC and Tenner waiting for Miami
  3. It was as shitty slate anyhow I am finally over CFB withdrawal doing something else over watching games.
  4. Scourton is playing possessed after dissappearing for months.
  5. Nobody has confirmed it but it is 100% obvious now.
  6. Yeah that too, it really seems like the rollercoaster will climb just a bit more before it crashes again.
  7. I didn't know the SEC network carried the all 22. It seems Weigman was making the right reads just a few underthrown balls.
  8. Shouldn't it be the tenth man in baseball? stupid aggie.
  9. Exactly the infamous iPhone post is them distilled to the purest form, people argued it was a troll, no that was aggie at is absolute core.
  10. Yeah they are just managing expectations there is nothing from Walz that says he can't knock it out of the park based from interviews, once again Dem expectations that he will reach into Vance's soul and get him to recant and ask for forgiveness or else it is failure is typical bullshit. I honestly don't know how people fail these dumb "debates".
  11. Yeah it starting to look this way, as a top 4 seed the best bet is to avoid the 5 seed which is looking to be the SEC team shut out of the conf championship game. So 2 or 3 are better than 1 or 4.
  12. I can't believe the fanbase is so god damn stupid that they spend pages and pages and pages whining about a website edge case bug, like seriously you fucking morons it is not a conspiracy, they website was just coded in 2 minutes tops. The conspiracy rotten brain is the most pathetic existence imaginable. Even dogs are smarter.
  13. They are almost united in support of Pinochet regardless of nationality if anything Trump is not dictator enough.
  14. I recently rewatched the Star Wars prequels A) George Lucas was a visionary B) Palps was less openly evil than this racist turd
  15. Running for pageant queen is more respectable nowadays than whatever the fuck modern politics are, its like patting a con man in the back "boy you sure cultivated a massive cult/won the election". If that is what winning looks like I rather take my chances in something more objective like WWIII.
  16. There is such a thing as hedging your bets, another on throwing money away, its like he is betting the moneyline on the underdog but asking the house to keep the winnings if they do win. Donald Trump will follow Russia in anything it wants, that is about as certain as the sun rises. I think the real explanation is that the GOP congresscritters (who BTW lick benito's ass daily) demanded he do it if they want their votes.
  17. Hatred is like a drug addiction, it wires your brain to want more more more now the absolute bile thrown at undocumented immigrants does not even pause the democrats anymore, when it is the most inhumane scapegoating I have ever lived to see in my life. In WWII tens of millions of mostly men died in the war, the vast majority full believers in Nazi ideology, those that remain underwent a no nonsense full denazification detox. Anybody that does not see the largest denazification in history as our main goal is deluding themselves. Nowadays people can't even support something like the Fairness Doctrine again, I honestly see no hope aside from getting lucky on their idiocy and us getting lucky in these electoral college selections.
  18. Hell Aggies really, Hitler and Patton were always so enthusiastic about them, how they could win all wars with them, "give me a handful of Texas aggies!", "If only I had yell practice before Stalingrad!" they go on and on and on. PS In all seriousness Patton was a proto-MAGA, the orange man's favorite General for a reason.
  19. In 2020 when the asshole went to Bryant Denny the school said chant protests would not be permitted, then "clarified" but I don't remember him getting booed, like got booed literally every other sporting event save NASCAR. Then this happened in Iowa last time he tried it. At the end of the day I do hope they have something planned.
  20. That is the head in the sand true aggie we all know and love.
  21. I also have theories that since democrats vote earlier the answer to the polling question of who do you intend to vote for becomes moot, they just don't answer, this is just something I pulled out my ass of course but it kinda makes sense, I don't know how pollsters handle this scenario.
  22. Actually the surrender was so confusing nobody knew what the fuck Hirohito said. The fighting continued even after August 15. But the damage was done.
  23. I kinda agree they kinda lost me as a viewer Roll Call is significantly better.
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