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Everything posted by linux

  1. I am starting to think the aggroids screwed themselves over with them publishing the contract, wait for the FoIA before you tell the college football coaches community that you have 11 million budget to spend on assistants, everyone worth a damn will ask for all of that 11 million lol and will feel slighted by what you offer.
  2. Well I am going to OD like LL, nice knowing you guys
  3. I can't remember the last time I was wrong and this poster is already famous for it.
  4. Don't give them an inch though, never admit they would have won any game cause quite frankly they could have still had a losing record.
  5. Went to their surly equivalent board, I presume they were all user banned last year or something?
  6. I told you fuckers, never bet against me assholes lol
  7. This is wrong, The Universities did not want to give the NCAA a March Madness in football. The end.
  8. Even with the stupid rules of 3 First group of 3 the undefeated P5 conference champs Second group of 3 Texas, Bama, Georgia H2H wins
  9. I think the dumbass aggie wants to return it to the BCS not have a 100 team playoff Never ever ever underestimate their inferiority complex, they rather Texas not make the playoff than them making it.
  10. linux

    PFF Thread

    Kinda shocked on Ewer's grade
  11. I don't disagree, but the 09 slander is annoying, I never hated our fanbase more than that year. That team healthy was winning that game by a blowout because Bama was shellshocked. Colt with that screen to Shipley would have scored 50.
  12. That 09 team on that first drive was blowing out Bama.
  13. The SEC is not even the best conference based on OOC schedule
  14. You guys are such pansies, everybody is saying that if Bama passes Texas the sport is broken, damaged to a crazy degree. Urban said he would go to his AD and cancel OOC. And you honestly fucking think they are going to SEC SEC SEC this shit?
  15. Texas was undefeated though, it mattered but the undefeated was the key part Bama and Texas both have one losses so head to head is godly
  16. Most important early season OOC win I can remember. Just to be clear all of CFB not just Texas
  17. Irrelevant, it is head to head, by that logic it means Bama's loss is worse than Texas' loss because they lost to the team that got beaten by OU
  18. Mizzou beat KSU at home on a miracle kick, they are basically comparable too.
  19. The comittee has said repeatedly <where> wins matters who has the only relevant WHERE win? Texas in Tuscaloosa. They also have said WHEN does not matter, the only one with an early relevant win is Texas. They have also put Texas in front of Bama since the begining. I think Texas is in since conference champs = conference champs.
  20. Okay dumbasses the committee has said time and time again and throughout the entire rankings that Alabama is not passing Texas right now. They mentioned that they don't care about when the wins happened they mentioned that they care where the wins happen and they have ranked UT>Bama all season long come on
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