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Everything posted by linux

  1. I thought that dinosaur turd was dead, why the fuck did Ryan Day give him visibility this year?
  2. Anyone has a screenshot of their horn tears thread? seeing the last post be in October will really make my early morning.
  3. Aggie fought for the Waffen SS. So yeah they spilled a lot of blood
  4. It is definitely a balancing act for sure but I literally paid more attention this year after losing to OU than I did in 00-04 after losing to them. Sure the team lucked out in 01 getting to the CCG and the 04 BCS Bowl meant something. But seriously all those aggie victories are like a blur to me, I can't tell them apart nor remember anything memorable because I was not as into the team as I am right now. Essentially the losses are more brutal in the BCS era, but the latter half of the season actually mattered this year for us.
  5. Yeah during the 2000's UT's season would have been over after a loss in the RRS. People that say the regular season does not matter are crazy, it matters more, it is not until you start going to 32-64 teams or something that it starts to lose its luster.
  6. All I want to say is fuck the idiots that wanted to keep the playoffs at 4 teams and before them wanted to keep the BCS. Seriously how fucking stupid do you have to be to think this?
  7. linux

    PFF Thread

    Lol Min 20% snap the entire OL is in the top 200
  8. Yeah I want to see their little brains explode if they hire schroginder's santucchi
  9. Yeah for sure. Also having the all hat #1 class paints a target on your back that everyone from Feshwater to Saban salivates over. If you are creating an unbalanced roster with 20 DL. The rest of the 5 stars transfer. And some players are locker room cancers. Then yeah give me any Sark class any day.
  10. Man I love how the coaches that leave are Fisher guys. But the ones that stay Elko and e-rob. Are not Fisher guys. They were all hired by him
  11. The only thing Elko has on Stoops is how fast he did it. But then again he did it during the transfer portal era. Stoops did it in a basketball school and reached 10 wins which is objectively better. And let's not talk about the hypocrisy of the Aggies and how they talk shit about the ACC
  12. linux

    PFF Thread

    l looked it up but they are wrong he was #1 P5 in pass rush, but the overall grade was pretty average.
  13. linux

    PFF Thread

    No worries kinda busy but will do it probably tomorrow
  14. Tidedans is pretty dumb though. Dumber than here. Have not been there since 09 tho
  15. I used to be anti capital punishment, until Trump showed what pardon powers really are... the war criminals he freed are beyond the pale, the system is broken and no amount of leniency and sympathy is going to fix this adversarial nightmare. As for Don he is a flight risk but to Moscow. Any other country (including Argentina) would be severely preassured to either extradite him or gag him, his ego would never accept a real gag (not this court pussyfooting around gags) but one enforec by the barrel of a gun. Moscow is the only exception he can yap freely without fear of extradition,so that is why I think he is headed there.
  16. Maybe if covid 24 hits and Away stadiums are empty
  17. Extreme embarrassment. I'm glad that Alabama Blog series is over
  18. The only hail mary is the common opponent in Tech, but yeah. Path in, in terms of likelyhood (CFP ranks in any order) 1) FSU loses: Michigan, PAC, Texas, Georgia 2) FSU wins but Georgia loses: Michigan, PAC, Texas, FSU 3) Michigan loses: PAC, Texas, FSU, SEC The only scenario where UT is 100% shut out is Michigan, Washington, Georgia, FSU. If it is Oregon instead it is a pure luck draw based on common opponent and that is it.
  19. Michigan State got their guy, Aggie wishes they were as competent as MSU.
  20. Its called fucking aggie twice. I would do it specially for a coaches salary, even Vandy.
  21. Manipulating idiots to do your bidding really is what winning looks like. Hyped up Elko before he collapsed in year 2 and aggie bit
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