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Everything posted by linux

  1. There is not a sitting coach that will go to A&M now, they get hired, the fanbase revolts they get fired within a day at the new job and likely let go soon at the old job. Aggie would have to go oldschool player coaches if they whiff on E-Rob. Basically Aggie had soverign immunity they could have fired Jimbo for cause (like slapping Max in the back) the only reason they did not do so was to not scare off all potential coaches. Well they have gone and scared off all coaches anyhow, could not have written it better myself.
  2. That forward chains cam needs to be the standard going forward.
  3. I could not have done it without the highly predictable elements that kept it near the top. 4.2k clicks and many more that skimmed got damn.
  4. Man fuck the haters, and this comes from the first Charlie hater (that gave him a chance not talking about the forever edgelords that are trash) When you hate you better be right. Otherwise you don't ahh how sweet the wine like I do.
  5. This is looking a lot like the Petrino search last year, remember when we all thought the first reveal of Bobby P was a misdirection to lower fanbase expectations? and they actually went ahead with it? good times. I think it was the Tenn game where they showed video of him up on the booth and he was not doing shit, just watching and laughing? Dream fucking job.
  6. I wish some moron would finally explain to him that there are differences between good job to retire to and good job to win championships. Hell yeah I too would beg anyone to coach Texaumnm University, but I would just park my ass and quiet quit all the while feeding their little brother syndrome.
  7. Online posters are always crowing about how the corps are stealing girlfriends, not the poster mind you, but johhny corps turd that is always fucking ugly. There is so much there to unpack got damn. /r/truerateme judge for life.
  8. I don't know why people implicitly want a rational aggie, I absolutely adore irrational aggie, I want them to never give UT credit, I want them to never root for UT (See the riot aggie outfitters had that bandages over the sawed off horns) I want them to, dissect our every win and call it a loss because of whatever. That is proof of real inflicted psychological damage. OU is UT's #1 foorball rival but that is it, after that it gets boring as fuck, A&M is the one I want to torture at everything for life. I barely read sooner boards but read texags way too much mining tears and would die a sad old man if that well dried. Sad thing is I know someone like that in real life and I torture him daily with words, I love toying with him and playing with fire if he decides to kill me (to some hater's glee) I need to set up dead man switches lol.
  9. Man I forgot about Rick Barnes, I had wanted him gone since 2004.
  10. Meh haters, will never enjoy the season as much as smart people do. Exhibit A is 2005. It is like hedge betting against your team, yeah they won, but you are down 1k.
  11. linux


    Because security wise there is absolutely no difference as there is now, Lets pretend for a fucking second that it is just Gaza, that the WB with all the land stealing, Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock, settlers, partitioned into 5 quasi states (the Edhud Barak deal), 3% land loss. Etc lets pretend the real prize for Israel and the only thing it wants to keep no longer exists. Then we have just Gaza, Israel does not want Gaza, they tried to pawn if of to Egypt, and Egypt said fuck no, you won it fair and square in that sneak attack in 67. Leaving Israel either giving them independence, or continuing apartheid (they control the borders, sea and air, and kill with impunity extrajudicially hence apartheid). I honestly see no difference as a security threat, I mean they still use their brains to smuggle all the weapons they need. Are they ever going to get an airforce or something? Hezbollah is in an independent Lebanon that Israel has no problem violating their sovereignty, if anything they have more to lose and are therefore less crazy than Hamas. Honestly if the WB did not exist Israel would just make any peace deal in Gaza, like literally keep everything, a two state solution would happen yesterday.
  12. linux


    Netanyahu won last year, Gaza has not had elections since VY
  13. Haters will NEVER appreciate 2005 like I did, all of them hedge their bets emotionally and are empty devoid husks because of it. If you are going to be a hater you better be correct.
  14. The same shit will happen in the SEC. Too many teams means no true round robin for the CCG. No divisions means no round robin for the division title. Lastly pods could work had they gone to a 4 team conference playoff. This will be the future there is no way around it. And yeah the 2008 nightmare is still possible even with a perfect system.
  15. That was the single best throw I have ever seen a Texas QB make. I am not talking stakes or anything like that, but if Quinn can run outside the pocket and nail a WR in quadruple coverage at exactly the perfect window... if he could bottle that and replicate it he would never lose a game in his life. Oh yeah our fans are idiots. Like the worst fucking thing to listen to or read their posts.
  16. linux


    This has been the Israeli objectives since I have been tracking Likud #1 One state solution, Palestinians have 0 rights, "peace" (This was the pre Oct 7 reality and why Bibi wanted to prop up Hamas recently). This is the apartheid solution #2 One state solution, Palestinians have 0 rights, war (our current reality) apartheid and bombings of civilians whether accidental or not. #3 Two state solution, Palestinians rights are irrelevant since they have their state, peace. ..... #45464 One state solution, Palestinians have equal rights, real peace. The fact that what seems like the ideal solution is the absolute worst possible outcome for Israel is why I think they are the bad guys, Hamas is too but they don't have the power of Israel. The last options seems to be what the next generation of palestinians want, in no small part because that is the last thing Israel wants.
  17. Before 2016 Something you need to understand this is that it is a single issue nonsense. When someone screams that their number one issue is the economy it generally signals that they are a republican to begin with hence it is always the Ds fault, the thing is all of these single issues never really propel someone past 50%+1. At the end of the day there is a monstrous 45% of the country that would butcher us all if they got real power, we all need to vote and volunteer to help people vote, fixing the economy is imporant but it is no longer "it's the economy stupid" . This is my litmus test for navigating the modern political landscape, always look at polls that are over 51% of all respondents. (and Likely voters) Republicans winning on the economy 45% R to 1% D is fucking meaningless, they still lost the election.
  18. My entire takeaway is that A&M is too poor to hire Lanning.
  19. If she were smart she would stay and piss them all to hell and back talking shit about Texas A&M football. When you live rent free in other people's head it is just plain fun.
  20. To be fair message board idiots are easy enough to manipulate. Eating paint chips is the least of their worries.
  21. Yeah you can argue that, I disagree but it has mereit, but at the same time old school statistics are near worthless.
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