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Everything posted by linux

  1. This but unironically I have gone to CSGO majors and they are the fucking bomb. Even my old dinosaur dad was into them without ever watching a second before.
  2. I mean for fucks sakes it is a fucking tweet, all schools should have an intern come up with a tweet once in a while for women's sports to create the semblance of parity.
  3. linux


    Well I participate in online discussions and I have never seen the safeguards I would expect from people I would entrust to do the right thing, I saw every single video the IDF put out showing the massacre, because it was my responsability to see what hamas did and not just do "don't see evil". But I don't see this from Israelis, and if I don't see this from suppsedly left wing Israelis, and see pure bloodlust from right wing ones then yeah I am not giving Israel the benefit of the doubt.
  4. linux


    But it still does not dissuade my logic for what I do what I do, if the only thing stopping Israel from committing genocide is me screaming at the top of my lungs, then yeah I will scream at the top of my lungs.
  5. linux


    For the record Israel cares, but only for PR purposes not humanitarian. You see it all the time on pro israeli forums the sight of dead children does not phase them, I imagine it is no different in the IDF
  6. linux


    Ironically it has been the more reasonable side preventing the hostages from being killed. Biden has thrown a lot of strategic cold water on the invasion Bibi wants to delay the day of reckoning for as long as possible Pro-Palestinian voices have wanted to prevent a humanitarian tragedy from happening, even if bombings are still killing children. Compare this to Oct 8 when Israel essentially declared the hostages dead and the bloodlust was running high.
  7. Man you leave the recruiting forum for just one day...
  8. linux


    They did royally fuckup season 8 with the long night, I sometimes wish I was never as influential as I am, I should have never recommened and D&D should have never read my post about catapults. Am I wrong and out of touch? no, it is the writers that are wrong.
  9. linux


    Israel kicked out the UN over a milquetoast statement by the secretary general, we are back to Bibi running his fascist campaign of lil old Israel, she needs me to defend her! Honestly I don't care, delay the assault until next year, it is not like Bibi was not going to weasel his way out of this, and if he wants to delay it is good for civilians.
  10. I don't know if you guys missed this gem https://www.forbes.com/sites/willskipworth/2023/10/05/trump-reportedly-gave-us-military-secrets-to-mar-a-lago-member-after-presidency/?sh=2f6b1d026098 In submarine warfare spilling the beans on how close your cat can get to their mouse is the entire game.
  11. linux


    I quoted latimes opeds, don't get pissy, and try again.
  12. linux


    I don't know if ASW surveilance of those Dolphin class by NATO countries strengthens or weakens my argument?, I will leave the reader to reach their own conclusion. I will also leave you guys the question if snorkling by U-boats, and their 99% surface crusising, weakens or strengthens my argument? Dunno you tell me. I am criticizing your logical argument guys sheesh.
  13. linux


    Fine dropping the subject.
  14. linux


    Are you expecting me to steal top secret documents to prove an internet argument? Good fucking luck, if you want to end the discussion by stating you only accept Top Secret documents then so be it, we are done. Don't insult my intelligence by calling Qanon cause we know they thought about it, they thought about it real hard. And because of this I too have thought about it.
  15. linux


    I am relaying what Israeli extremists publish in op Ed's. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-apr-07-op-perlmutter-story.html
  16. linux


    Read up on Operation Neuland, U-boats sank like 20+ tankers in the Caribbean thousands of nautical miles away from docks and pens, the idea that Israel can not launch a single salvo in the absolute worst case scenario, is ridiculous, would a SSBN be more successful? hell yeah of course but a suicide run from a Dolphin class that allies chose to ignore. Yeah that is keeping me up at night if Israel really really starts losing. An SSK running on batteries are the most silent subs in the world.
  17. linux


    I don't think citizenship is demanded, just permanent residence. They could turn around and sell that land as well. As for the breaking the cease fire, just use the justice system sheesh. If a returnee breaks the law put him in prison.
  18. linux


    German Diesel Electric subs in WWII patrolled all the way to the Caribbean. I did not think up Operation Samson. That is never again in a modern context.
  19. linux


    With sufficient money this singular issue is moot, if given a choice between 1 million dollars and a parcel of land I think this is resolvable. Note the hundreds of billions spent on defense. The small minority that wants to return should then be allowed to return.
  20. linux


    However, according to Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Yaakov, who was the mastermind behind the "Samson Option", it was unlikely Israel could have even targeted Europe, as Israel did not yet have other measures like bombs or missiles to carry the nuclear payload.[39] They have hundreds of nuclear weapons, in subs, their target is not Iran, but the rest of the world, us. Never again is a threat. Are there a lot of you that think a two state solution is actually reasonable? Right now yes, if Israel does not invade Gaza there is a sliver of hope see the YKP war as historical reference To me the fundamental question is, do you believe Israel has a right to exist as a country of Jews, or do you feel like the displacement of Palestinians to form the state of Israel is a modern act of colonization that someday needs to be rectified? As the radical left says, "decolonization is not a metaphor." There should be compensation at the minimum. Israel, on the other hand, has no chance to ever be a true democracy because their priority is to remain a Jewish state, not to have truly free elections. It is so fucking ridiculous, but the secular jews are also victims of the theocracy, we will see how they handle things going forward and if they go back to voting for Bibi et al. When Jewish people say, "Never again" I don't ever believe they're actually saying we need to make sure genocide on the level of the holocaust never happens again. I believe they're saying they're never again going meekly into the ovens and gas chambers. Reminds me of this In 2003, a military historian, Martin van Creveld, thought that the Al-Aqsa Intifada then in progress threatened Israel's existence.[37] Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch (2003) as saying: However, according to Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Yaakov, who was the mastermind behind the "Samson Option", it was unlikely Israel could have even targeted Europe, as Israel did not yet have other measures like bombs or missiles to carry the nuclear payload.[39] They have hundreds of nuclear weapons, in subs, their target is not Iran, but the rest of the world, us. Never again is a threat.
  21. linux


    There was a ceasefire, but so did Egypt/Syria/Israel on 6 of October 1973 they still got ONE peace deal. To understand why all of this happened in Oct 7 2023 is simple, very very simple, neither side wanted peace, the population did, and they population was tricked into thinking that Bibi could give them peace, or that Hamas could give them peace, but at the end of the day it was a lie, the next Likud strongman will promise the same and we are back to square one. Israel wants WB land, had the status quo been perpetuated for 100 years they were happy stealing WB land. This bias for underestimating their opponent and wanting the status quo is actively selecting to continue the violence. Hamas wants war in the long run, obviously this is actively selecting to continue the violence. It was inevitable. And we have not even discussed how they put like 80% of the IDF to defend settlers in the east.
  22. linux


    Ceasefire at all costs means no ground invasion of Gaza. A full ceasefire is no rocket launches and hostages released. They are using the full ceasefire carrot to negotiate the non invasion of Gaza. Israel is not really interested.
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