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Everything posted by linux

  1. I remember when Donald in his infinite narcissism went to SEC games and the University warned students not to boo him. That said Georgia went blue last time, and that is more than can be said for the Big XII, even the expanded Big XII
  2. I am a pretty good predictor (aside for 2010 I guess) If I am excited the team does well.
  3. Five people have won election to Congress, despite being dead There don't seem to be examples of people who have died, been on the ballot themselves, and lost. In other words: Dead people appear to be batting 1.000 in their Congressional races. Nonetheless, we do not recommend it as a campaign strategy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/10/01/five-people-have-won-election-to-congress-despite-being-dead/
  4. I personally don't think Biden is that important, just o put this in perspective Fetterman had a stroke and could have died and he still beat Oz, Trump is just radioactive, people vote against him not for any Dem.
  5. Or says that they have to budget pensions in advance like USPS, Republicans are not honest, never were.
  6. He thinks the coronavirus was given gain of function on its ability to mutate, when confronted with the flu and its natural mutation ability he stated a contradictory word salad. The flu is natural you see but the coronavirus was engineered. Also Rand Paul is a doctor (ps just an eye surgeon) so he is the only one that knows about the virus Dude is brainwashed, 100% repeats what Trump says, I just point and laugh at him. If you guys think you hate me I turn it to 11 on him.
  7. Rabies is worse right? well except we have a vaccine, but you know how a certain political group considers vaccines to have microchips.
  8. Hmnn what made you change your mind on Donald? and can we bottle it?
  9. This kids glove on mob language is annoying, we all know what he meant, the Mob Boss is not really worried about your nice shop you got there. RICO has never been more relevant.
  10. It is painfully obvious from this that he is just wasting time until Donald dies, I mean seriously it is also not working because even in the meek state the hardcore crowd hates desantis, it is the first tenets of fascism, only the leader is pure everyone else is impure and must be purged.
  11. I am definitely bullish on 2024 for the Democratic nominee. Trump has a ceiling, around 46%, all that matters is democratic turnout, which is why we have to act and persuade people as if it were 50/50 and the most important election on earth, 2020 part 2.
  12. It has been my experience that they do not, they are already planning to vote by mail after swearing it off in 2022. It is not facts that drive's them it is negative emotions that do.
  13. I definitely like the idea but like Bodacious Bevo said there is a massive imbalance between states with essentially one school (MU, LSU) and states like TX that have uncooperative schools (aggies), I legitimately envision a scenario where UT starts winning again and aggies start sandbagging on legislation. Plus isn't the lege out until 2025?
  14. This movie was fucking excellent, the whole morality play really fucked with me for the entire afternoon.
  15. I know a MAGA clown that "supports" the consitution daily, but he has never read it like 0, I twist the knife so many times you would think he would take the 30 mins just to get it over with, but no.
  16. That was the rubicon, when his first indictment came and everybody stayed at home it gave the other DAs courage to go all the way. Justice should not work like this, but political reality means that Donny was the most DOJ protected private citizen in the US.
  17. I definitely encountered meaness on both sides particularly around 2012-2016, but the left calmed the fuck down and the far right doubled down. the Jan 6 people wanted to hang Pence, the #2 man in their party, they probably would have if they had a chance.
  18. (1) No compensation to a student athlete for earning or attempting to earn compensation from the use of such student athlete's name, image, likeness rights, or athletic reputation shall be conditioned on such student athlete's athletic performance. Those providing compensation to a student athlete for the use of his or her name, image, likeness rights, or athletic reputation shall have the right to condition payment of that compensation on a student athlete's attendance at a particular postsecondary educational institution. It is 100% a pay for play law Presumably he can pay them back and flip, as I said on my first post it is not indentured servitude, maybe pay interest on the payment but more than that it runs afoul of other laws, and Missouri's NLI totals is way less than both UTs so that is why I see it likely, it is just a prediction though. Assuming perfectly rational actors and he flips at the last moment: He wins by getting money early, Mizzou wins by fabricating recruiting momentum, but at the end of the day they are a poor program and nothing real has changed.
  19. Interesting, I have always wondered why TSMC has been on schedule in Arizona, it must be well written legislation and the enormous amount of money.
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