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Everything posted by linux

  1. Look I am a self important self aggrandizing member of the protectionist Import Substitution wing, IS can be a massive failure when done wrong, making a monitor panel factory in Wisconsin, is a failure, you are wasting good money for electoral propaganda, this is terrible IS. The CHIPS act on the other hand is not, this is smart IS because it identifies a gargantuan blindspot (bleeding edge node lithography) AND the only place this is manufactured is Taiwan a country that can be invaded or blockaded. Intel, TSMC, Foxconn et al are the greedy same, the difference is the incompetent orange leadership at top that wanted a photo op holding a golden shovel.
  2. We know the size of his hands though https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/03/donald-trump-hand-display-madame-tussaud-wax-museum#:~:text=Using a measuring apparatus%2C the,hand size of 7.44 inches. Using a measuring apparatus, the Reporter found the hand to be a mere 7.25 inches – compared to the average male hand size of 7.44 inches.
  3. It is not moving the goal post, the most important part in the whole law is the NCAA being told to go to hell, that is the absolute most key part.
  4. Lol this is not remotely the same, this does nothing to shield the school from NCAA sanction. The MO and TX laws clearly do. https://www.lhsaa.org/siteuploads/lhsaa/20583_pdf_eccker-sports-partner-lhsaa-release.pdf
  5. Correct, only a salary cap and no regulatory teeth can bring back under the table payments.
  6. LA drafts a law that says LSU can pay players in HS at any age, not all of them of course they will be selective and give money to the ones showing more prospect. By the time of early signing period they are so much in debt to boosters that picking corndog is inevitable. We lose every recent NIL recruit save Arch. TX drafts a law that says UT can pay players in HS at any age, aggie kills it at committee. The wild wild west is a an illusion of progress, first you get the economic uptick and migrations, and then comes the bad parts.
  7. That used to be the place where bags were "accidentally" dropped near cars and handshakes with a lil sumpin sumpin used to happen. These days recruits see that as just payment for being on the attendance list. Yup, but it also conveniently gives cover to grifters that sell 9.99 subscriptions on how to spin a loss
  8. You don't need to prove much, just catch them in a lie and they go to prison. In a world that heavily regulates CFB Bag men would not exist, SEC dominance has come as a result of the defanging of the NCAA by the courts and university presidents. Instead we have the www that can blow up at any moment.
  9. If bag men can go to prison for lying then we return to the equilibrium at the turn of the century when CFB was at its best. Right now we have an unstable mess that could all unravel at any moment and undo all that was accomplished. Wait until LA allows for all HS players to get LSU money as freshmen, and one of the biggest inroads successes vanish. It is very naive to assume that the wild wild west is good.
  10. It is the wild wild west right now, the SCOTUS created this with the Kav opinion, him stating that he was going bury the NCAA no matter what. What was needed was federal guardrails. federal subpoenas, actual teeth in the investigations for bag men. Wait until other states allow for the payment of HS players as long as they stay in state and a jealous aggie politicians object to changing the law to compete. LA is one dumbfuck law away from undoing all our current inroads.
  11. Per Missery laws he can get paid tomorrow, application for student loans is enough to give the school legal protection. That is why WN did it on monday as well. Something must have ponied up a few grand that they could give these juniors tomorrow as an advantage. But that does not mean much if the total sum is well below peers, he can just return that 0 interest loan and flip to UT on early signing period. In my opinion OU was freaking out cause they were third for WN, if he flips he is Georgia bound.
  12. Heh he can commit, start earning money, then return that money after he gets more UT money. Kavannaugh ruined college football.
  13. Had Simmons gone to the pp Looch would have been parroting the same, the pp is near mythological in cult circles.
  14. Vintage tears (click on the images multiple times so you can zoom in on the text)
  15. That is $9.99 aggie in a nuthshell set the over/under at ten wins to open up wallets and stir the sheepfuckers into a frenzy, then when the season disaster is under way call the under so they don't look like abject fools
  16. It is a no brainer for A&M go back to a conference where they actually won something a quarter century ago. When they had more than 0 relevance
  17. Saban lost his shit because he was informed about it being a penalty the week of the game, thanked the reporter because he did not know that, drilled it in practice not to do it and they did it anyhow after extremely sloppy game. It was about discipline, had he not drilled it he would not have gotten mad.
  18. As already mentioned is apocryphal, that said you know it is true, that had he noticed a handful of Gomer Pyles whoopinng and hollering around on the SS side (aggies won in 1939 for a reason) he would have said it word for word.
  19. You know what Patton said Give me a handful of Texas Aggies on the Nazi side, and I will win a war.
  20. I wish I could find a true reverse midas just so I could bet the opposite, sadly just getting .55 against the spread means you are a godlike and draw too much attention.
  21. His sunshine pumping is divine, nothing more insane that his takes on Jimbo having vacant scholarships as something pre planned
  22. Jimbo holding his Cheesecake factory menu would be proof positive he is calling plays.
  23. Also it is reassuring that all the DL talent is going to A&M to go to waste. They are not going to OU where they can do damage.
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