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Everything posted by linux

  1. That and "know your place" it really does drive them up a wall when I tell them that.
  2. They are doing it, the rollercoaster is gearing up, all it took was rewatching a game where the opponent had nothing to gain or lose. 10-2 floor here we go!
  3. If Jimbo were not such a scumbag I would hire him as an analyst just to trigger Aggy, I legit would give him whatever job pissed them off the most. That said it is irrelevant, they are so stupid they gave him guaranteed money. The logical thing is for him to get fired, get another HC job and double dip.
  4. I mean we can't make fun of them for leaving, and at the same time say they are worse off for staying, ideally you would want to have your recruiting/transfer strength shine, and since Jimbo can't work the portal for incoming players then yeah drop a bag even on those with a foot out the door.
  5. Fine, those chocolate chunk cookies you just ate, were not real chocolate chips, they were a different kind of chunk
  6. Yeah because kicking was clearly a deficiency... Admittedly the mojo has continued, even Auburn did pretty well, but kicking was elite under Mack.
  7. There is something so stupid, so aggie about taking PWO from Rice when you are down 11(?) scholarship players. Yeah he is PWO in name only, once Jimbo fails to reach 85 not even they are dumb enough not to give him the scholarship they backhanded promised.
  8. Dot Dot Dot Nobody will probably get the reference or how deep this goes but this made me laugh hysterically 14 years ago, the bad spelling reminds me of this thread as well.
  9. There is definitely some great stories there, they should start small with Eisenhorn. Treat the Spacemarines like lightsabres and Jedi in Star Wars, rarely used.
  10. On 9 May 1945, SS Brigadefuhrer Hellmuth Becker, the Division Commander (Eicke was killed in Russia on 26 February 1943), surrendered to the Third US Army. The Americans then turned the entire Division over to the Russians. Little is known of the fate of the officers and men after they were removed to detention camps inside Russia. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/de-waffen-ss-totenkopf.htm
  11. Loser iconography and fitting 12th SS Hitlerjugend Surrendered in Austria with only 10k left 3rd SS Totenkopf Surrendered in Checkoslovakia and were all executed.
  12. Because Argentina was playing out of their minds, the last part of the game was close mostly because they were running out of gas.
  13. Definitely jumps into the top 3 of best sporting event (hype) AND game (quality) of my life 1) 06 Rose Bowl 2) Lakers Celtics Game 7 3) 22 World Cup final.
  14. The most glorious part of the transfer portal season is that their real predicted sieve has not happened yet, the ~20 5* DL they have for that 3 man front is going to want play time eventually, and even if they can retain the best players, that is going to be a treasure trove for whoever gets the leftovers. As for the unpredicted disaster (at the beginning) of the season the players getting kicked out, a crap OC hire, lack of institutional control. We could be looking at half their Greatest unbalanced Class Ever! not even being half there by Fall.
  15. And people are stupid enough to believe raw talent trumps experience, better fundamentals, teamwork, and being a few years older and stronger. While TCU avoided the hemorrhage after firing their coach you definitely need stability to have a upperclassmen roster, Jimbo has no excuse in year 5 but Sark definitely does in year 2.
  16. What a day, Aggie misery in F16, Aggie misery at the zoo. Its like those morons were designed to pick losers.
  17. We really need some of their D-line, Coburn and Sweat aren't coming back..and could lose another due to an ill advised draft projection. I mean the post was about ignoring their O talent.
  18. I will always enjoy the 05 season more than the gutter trash I was constantly telling to shut the fuck up on hornfans. The were literally willing to blow up the team on the first win of 20+ straight.
  19. Yeah people are being too emotional, the Kstate player just made an amazing play. Whining about one specific playcall is almost always so amateurish, the best I can accept are playcall patterns, they are not great in the second half but having an experienced team is the way to fix the puckering up.
  20. Star talent advantage is meaningless when going against super seniors, this is a legit criticism of Sark not having super seniors of his own in year 5, but not on year 2.
  21. I said my prediction was 9 wins, which is still fair and in line Bowl win Beat TCU Win one of Baylor or Kansas. That is still better than 99 which was a disaster late season.
  22. I said it is fine to make a mistake, I still think you should be more informed about Big XII standings before you post though
  23. Thread title is meaningless, thread title does not excuse mind drivel, that said he made a mistake which is fine, there is no "outside chance" UT still controls its own destiny. Outside chance is when the team is not mathematically eliminated.
  24. WTF did I just read, if Texas wins out they are an 11 win team. I sometimes prefer it when we suck and I don't visit these boards lol
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