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Everything posted by linux

  1. The problem is that they are being emotional pussies, instead of thinking rationally, we get the same stupid shit I have been dealing since the Mack years, the same mindless emotional haters wanted to turn Vince into a WR and fire Mack after Mizzou 04. And it is not even about being a pumper, I was literally the first one that wanted to fire Charlie Strong after his third game. Because I had seen what needed to see objectively.
  2. Like I said loser, we roll the dice, get someone like Jeff Tedford and rinse and repeat the current coaching carousel.
  3. I mean people are acting like the season is over and the team is barely bowl eligible, the team has 4-5 games left. A 9 win season is on par with 1999.
  4. Losers like you would have gotten rid of Mack Brown after 03
  5. Being a mindless hater is way way dumber. I always argue that the Aggies made an increadibly stupid mistake in getting rid of Sherman, he had the same late game collapses in 11, but what do you know he stockpiled and developed talent where their 12 team was NFL good. So Sumlin took credit for that with the complete inability to stockpile and develop NFL talent on his own. Leading to bad choices compounding the bad choices and they are where they are.
  6. Well I see a lot of promise, he is not perfect and I would love i if he had a talk with Mack about being clutch and playing loose more with big leads. But this is not an unfixable problem, Charlie Strong being horrific at XOs is never fixable, Herman being unliked by everyone is never fixable. But having the team play loose AND still execute is still doable. There are 4-5 games left. And they are going to be better odds at winning than last night.
  7. The reason the team loses second half leads is 100% mental, assholes gonna hate but from 02-13 Mack had a 19-2 record at UT when the margin of victory was just a field goal, he knew how to keep it loose. The great news is that this can be overcome quite easily, by you know winning on the road after having a 21 point lead. Exactly as what happened. That said Sark needs to dump his preplans and just let go when things are too tight. Throwing deep to Worthy is the best playstation play but in reality extremely demoralizing to the team, not to mention a lost down.
  8. Both played their best games against Saban, Roy touched the ball 5 times and completely owned that game, but Shipley and the designed jailbreak(?) bubble screen literally kept the game close against Bama. Change Simms with Gilbert and Texas goes undefeated in 09.
  9. What a stupid red herring, I said long career. not GOAT, learn to read.
  10. College kids are not rational, Leinart stayed, Ricky stayed, Peyton stayed, all this before NIL existed. Today it is potentially rational with NIL you can most definitely match a rookie contract had we been talking Vince in 05 (and he is here to tell them how much he regrets leaving early), With Brady playing into his mid 40s the rational thing for a QB is to set himself up for that kind of success (getting an extra year of that second contract is peanuts). It means learning the game to perfection, whether Sark can sell that to Arch or Ewers is the key to retaining them for more years (and NIL).
  11. Charlie Strong gutted his own roster the first year, imagine self imposed sanctions over a little weed... But the savants at Shaggy lapped it all up.
  12. I absolutely adore that their best season in forever was at the helm of BLM Mond and the little pretend nazis boycotted A&M that season, only to come back to 8-4.
  13. I cannot believe that the smartest poster on this issue in all of the CFBsphere is Ag77, dude makes a lot of sense. I don't think it was a pure mercenary move but a decision made long ago, but he wanted to troll people in the process, including his fake top 5.
  14. Meh, got negbombed banned from Shaggy for telling people we needed to get rid of Strong by his third game in (BYU blowout), sure as hell did not back down, all forums have sensitive pussies.
  15. The best part about NIL is that aggy is suffering the same pain cartels have, bags of cash are still peanuts compared to wired money, money that does not need to be laundered.
  16. This level of serene resignation is something I have been grappling with ever since the golden escalator nightmare, it is fundamentally immoral to allow fascism to exist, their brains are wired for hate, like an opioid addict is wired for a hit, their physiology is wired for doing evil. Chamberlain was a clown that singlehandedly destroyed the anti-fascist coalition before the annexation of Czechoslovakia, it is the same shit we are seeing today, too many people having the debate as to whether it is moral to punch a Nazi, when the real debate is whether it is moral to not punch a Nazi. The only way stable solution is post war German state, arrest them all. Everything else is waiting for the next stochastic terrorism, waiting for the next half-assed coup attempt to actually succeed.
  17. Said it a million times before, haters will never have enjoyed the 05 season, as much as I did, and I will always have that smug superiority.
  18. Nobody should hate Strong nor Mack, frankly I claim that all this talk of "stealing" is more disturbing than anything they ever did it takes two to tango and they were offered that salary in part for recruiting reasons (imagine the negative recruiting if your coach is considering the program as a stepping stone), same with the Earl quote, you would think it was Mack literally stabbing him in the back the way some people here reacted to it. In the end this virulent overreaction is counter productive, objectively asses the coaches and make cold empirical decisions based on qualified candidates out there, the idea that you have to turn the fanbase into a violent mob in order to fire a coach is the way you end up in a death spiral like Aggie, Tennessee and Nebraska is in right now. If you can't upgrade then don't fire the coach, no matter how much he is "stealing" OU and OSU identified coaching talent and continued their process, not saying there is no luck involved but intelligence helps you minimize the randomness.
  19. I do not promote asshole culture, and this thing hurts us all in the long run beyond fucking football. If he wants to instill toughness, then lead by example, also be smart about it, not just spout asshole bullshit to the media that other assholes identify with, agree, clap to, and vote for. BTW I am not personally accusing you of anything
  20. Why wait Cassandra? Cause it is a useless gesture.
  21. I still cant believe how anybody could have been fooled by Strong so completely in 2014, I wanted him gone by week 2 and got a negrep ban because people are emotionally blind and unstable. One day I should just change my name to Cassandra.
  22. The NCAA is likely investigating A&M people need to stop with the wild conspiracy theories and cynical rants that undermine the only judge left to police cheating. Arguments for: A) Marchiol left a turd bomb, and now that he is no longer looking for a waiver since he is in FCS land his testimony looks more valid. B) Investigations take time and are done outside the public eye. Arguments against: A) They are spending all their resources investigating the basketball scandal B) A&M might actually stop cheating so no new evidence is found C) They lose the stomach to do anything after the Missouri fuckup. In the end, it will be the evidence or lack of thereof that might save A&M, not mentorship or friendship. The NCAA is on life support and trying to justify their fat paychecks.
  23. If OU disregards Texas it is because of the stupid system, what if we lost to a rival 50% of the time but the committee, polls, media ignored it every time and gave you a mulligan? THAT is Alabama and OU right now.
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