So let’s dissect the body now that it’s dead.
- How the fuck did Headland get a Star Wars show? She got her start in the business with Harvey Fucking Weinstein. Disney decided to not hold that against her, and gives her a $180 million Star Wars vehicle after 1, one modest success in Russian Dolla. Many accomplished directors and showrunners are also Star Wars super fans.
- The Acolyte, Ahsoka, Kenobi, and Obi Wan can all be described as unsuccessful. Does this cause a chilling effect on future Star Wars shows on Disney +? I would say yes, unless Skeleton Crew is a mega hit. I think they’ll focus on movies because they’ve all made money except for Solo. I doubt Mando ever comes back as a TV show. If the film does well, they’ll just make another one. It’s very plausible we get one last season of Andor and that’s it for Star Wars TV for a stretch.
- I think a non-Jedi show set outside of established canon would do well. It’s a big ass universe. There’s plenty of room for new stories without trying to retcon everything.