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Everything posted by billfromlaketravis

  1. Detroiters in my mind is the most broke ass, over the top parody of Mad Men imaginable. It’s nearly perfect. Some ITYSL highlights: - Dog ear haircut - Pay it forward drive thru - Haunted house - Designated driver crooner - Richard Nixon mask Tim Robinson will always be a legend for the NBA on NBC pitch song.
  2. Why the hell did Detroit pay about $300k-400k above slot for Choice? Their RB’s are already damn good. It’s not like they’re asking Choice to come in and coach up the Giants RB Room.
  3. Well in this week of clutch my pearls, Spec’s charged me 80 American dollars for ETL. I would have told the cashier to keep it, but I can’t break the covenant. In better news, I picked up another Blanton’s Gold. I can’t go back to the regular stuff. Gold is pretty great.
  4. Tecovas Trading Post is pretty handy to unload your old boots on unsuspecting souls. Just take pictures on your phone, they create the listing, and send you a shipping label when it sells. Bought the pair for $295. Sold for $259 on Trading Post, and I keep $207.
  5. If that was the price for KD, fucking kill me.
  6. Spade with a Hollywood Minute on Weekend Update needs to happen.
  7. Is Aykroyd ill? His absence is weird. He’s hosting like half dozen shows on cable and streaming now, so it’s not like he’s exited public life.
  8. Detroiters rules. I understand I Think You Should Leave is more an acquired taste. To outright dismiss the guy is a mistake.
  9. Jokes on y’all! Tecovas will live forever as a business school case study on how PE can ruin an established brand.
  10. And…I’m out. Worse than the Big Lebowski robe.
  11. Anybody try Levant in Houston? The lamb chops intrigue me.
  12. Bringing Spade back for that bullshit Church Lady stings. It’s early, but that’s my biggest snub. Carvey has hung around Studio 8H all season, so I understand him not getting a sketch in the 50th.
  13. Cast of 50th Anniversary Special: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2025/02/10/snl-50-anniversary-episode-celebrities-cast/78387293007/ Chevy and Kim K are my shockers.
  14. Despite their Tilted Bottle affiliation, I’ve enjoyed The Whiskey Den podcast. Their guests’ humblebrags about their collections are annoying, but their recs have been good. I would have never tried the excellent 2XO Innkeepers’ Blend if I hadn’t heard about it on their podcast.
  15. Houston guys, a HBH member is trying to move some Spanish Oak. Proceeds go the local elementary school. The post is on Facebook, but I have the fella’s contact number if you don’t want to dig through the posts.
  16. Anybody try Levant? I’m intrigued by the lamb chops.
  17. Tell me how.
  18. HBC bands are the best. Harry Connick Jr needs to stick to playing the piano.
  19. RIP Branchwater. I think we usually walked there. Clark’s is great little restaurant in the Montrose. But of course, it’s valet only. I parked way in the back of the lot, out of sight from the valet stand. Sure enough, I’m walking into the restaurant and some valet runs up to me and tells me I must give him my keys and take a ticket. I just left. I parked in a little ditch at Rainbow Lodge on Friday. Moral of the story, fuck valet only.
  20. Yep. His reasoning for selling was so insanely shitty. Comes after the NFL for being overvalued, and then sells the Mavs a couple years from a new TV deal. He needed to get liquid fast.
  21. Again, based on Instagram, I think she met a fella. Got sober. Left BF. I’d say it’d very difficult to judge a bourbon/rye finish if you’re spitting into a bucket, but wine guys are doing it right now.
  22. Probably the GOAT at home steak side. Thank me later.
  23. People are weird. The guy across the hall from me at work went to Cy-Falls and he refuses to leave the Heights. Another guy down the hall grew up in Wyoming and loves Cypress. I dunno. I can’t really work anywhere else, so Houston is home.
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