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About immamac

  • Birthday March 15


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  1. Texas gonna be stacked in 2025 regardless of who comes from TAMU.
  2. yeah the secondary web node doubles as an elasticsearch node and the high traffic caused some memory issues that I resolved. Shouldn't be an ongoing issue and set up an alert to handle.
  3. Yes. The fact that their AD is Texags
  4. That's part of the fun. That contract is absurd and incongruent with the way CDC usually structures deals. I do know the reason the job is attractive to top candidates that just played in the MCWS in Omaha is how put together the NIL machine is here. Everywhere else it's a lot of promises and a scramble to get shit done. At Texas it's a budget with a process, it's dramatically different than almost anywhere else in the country from the feedback we've collectively seen and received.
  5. And yes to clarify this is an admission of me not knowing shit generally speaking. I think it's pretty obvious when I'm the primary source (lots of things regarding burnt ends or not secret TOF stuff etc) and when I'm just being part of the fun that is a coaching search or transfer portal get etc. Basically when it's obvious that I'm running the shit because I'm the organizer I know everything. When I'm not intentionally stay in the dark to the actual scoop, not to the narrative/players if that makes sense.
  6. It spit out some gibberish but these are fucking hilarious.
  7. I intentionally stay dark on these things. It's not as fun for me to not be part of the rampant speculation. I guess the only spoiler I have is I know pretty solidly who is full of shit and who isn't based on sources not info.
  8. The way that the people who are in the know stay in the know is by following the guidelines of the scoop they are given. No one is gonna leak that knows because CDC lops off that entire arm with small changes in detail to know who it is. He's masterful at this. You should be happy with how competent and effective this AD is at its most important tasks.
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