This was a complete domination. Republicans have the house, senate, courts and executive in a popular vote. That means more people around you want this.
If you don't like what that means that's a you problem. Stop blaming everyone else for how they voted. You have a problem with everyone around yourself. Solve that problem or don't.
A lot of people in here are pearl clutching and all talk. If you don't like it, turn off the government's revenue and quit your job working for whoever. If you want to show them how ruined the economy is under Trump ruin the economy around yourself first. If you are truly principled and have courage to fight for what you believe make a plan now on how you will be a part of the peaceful revolution and do it when Trump is president. Brain drain, lack of workers to do work, industrial collapse and stagnation are all things that are possible if everyone decided they've had enough without bloodshed that force a hard reset. There is no soft landing that includes an America that still has Billionaires that are so rich they make other billionaires look poor. All you have to do is be willing to give up everything to build it all back after the revolution.
The reality is none of you have had enough to get to this point. There are posters here who lament billionaires, policies that support incingruent behavior with their beliefs and yet still take their paycheck every month from companies and the people that run them that ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. You all praise the same capitalist principles and when faced with the reality of personal sacrifice or economic impact everyone is doing the same thing, just working and trying to say your work doesn't contribute to the problem why shouldn't you be able to make money. YOU ARE ENTITLES TO YOUR AMERICAN LIFESTYLE.
This is what happens to people when nothing is more important than money. You lose the ability of accountability because you are desperately attached in a symbiotic relationship with the American Rot Economy.
I've put my money where my mouth is. I left a job that paid an obscene amount of money in industry to forge a path for myself based on principles I believe in and actually giving a shit about moving the economy, technology and people forward and upward instead of just grifting and accepting my share of the ransack. You know what I've found since? That no one cares, no one believes in American Innovation anymore, no one believes in doing the right thing because it's too hard. Its a lot easier to just shut the fuck up, and do what the bosses tell you even though you know it adds no value or is damaging to your customers or the broader economy.
Ive found that greed and equity markets are at all time highs. The American Consumer is addicted to its debt fueled spending mania. The real reason things are the way they are is peoples addiction to late stage rot economy. You don't need a visionary leader to live that kind of life.
A strong majority of people on this site can't even be bothered to pay for it. I pour immense amounts of time, money and effort into community building, yet the community insists on destroying itself. What's the point?