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Everything posted by immamac

  1. Who gives a shit man. That's not what impacted anything.
  2. The complete lack of leadership coming out of the Democratic Party right now is also incredibly telling. Joe is as lame duck as lame duck can be. Kamala is nowhere to be found with no statement to be made when it's clear there's nothing but formalities left.
  3. I'm also trying to figure this out. Where were all the Joe Biden voters? They just decided to sit this one out?
  4. She lost because the entire platform is completely fucked. People straight up just didn't vote not only for her, but top to bottom on the ticket. You guys don't seem to get it. This isn't a Harris did bad and dragged everyone down with her. This is a real shift in the electorate. This was a sweep. Trump didn't win by single digits. It wasn't close.
  5. I think you are in a bit of a mania right now and you need to focus on yourself rather than trying to make everyone around you feel the same way as you do. Everyone didn't hear it before last night they won't hear it today. Predicting the future is part of the problem, the future happens one day at a time not 12 weeks or 2 years or 4 years at a time. What are you doing for tomorrow to be better than today? If the answer is nothing then why do you expect it to be better?
  6. This. So much this. My longcat post earlier is simply "If you don't like it, what are you doing about it?" If the answer is nothing and you are just gonna whine about how America let you down then just fuck off. If you really want to do something about it talk about what you are willing to do and then actually do it.
  7. I'm telling you to make a real fucking plan if you think this is that bad or shut the fuck up and try to limit the impact around you with your own subsidy out of your own pocket. No one is coming to save you, you just save yourself, the American way.
  8. This was a complete domination. Republicans have the house, senate, courts and executive in a popular vote. That means more people around you want this. If you don't like what that means that's a you problem. Stop blaming everyone else for how they voted. You have a problem with everyone around yourself. Solve that problem or don't. A lot of people in here are pearl clutching and all talk. If you don't like it, turn off the government's revenue and quit your job working for whoever. If you want to show them how ruined the economy is under Trump ruin the economy around yourself first. If you are truly principled and have courage to fight for what you believe make a plan now on how you will be a part of the peaceful revolution and do it when Trump is president. Brain drain, lack of workers to do work, industrial collapse and stagnation are all things that are possible if everyone decided they've had enough without bloodshed that force a hard reset. There is no soft landing that includes an America that still has Billionaires that are so rich they make other billionaires look poor. All you have to do is be willing to give up everything to build it all back after the revolution. The reality is none of you have had enough to get to this point. There are posters here who lament billionaires, policies that support incingruent behavior with their beliefs and yet still take their paycheck every month from companies and the people that run them that ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. You all praise the same capitalist principles and when faced with the reality of personal sacrifice or economic impact everyone is doing the same thing, just working and trying to say your work doesn't contribute to the problem why shouldn't you be able to make money. YOU ARE ENTITLES TO YOUR AMERICAN LIFESTYLE. This is what happens to people when nothing is more important than money. You lose the ability of accountability because you are desperately attached in a symbiotic relationship with the American Rot Economy. I've put my money where my mouth is. I left a job that paid an obscene amount of money in industry to forge a path for myself based on principles I believe in and actually giving a shit about moving the economy, technology and people forward and upward instead of just grifting and accepting my share of the ransack. You know what I've found since? That no one cares, no one believes in American Innovation anymore, no one believes in doing the right thing because it's too hard. Its a lot easier to just shut the fuck up, and do what the bosses tell you even though you know it adds no value or is damaging to your customers or the broader economy. Ive found that greed and equity markets are at all time highs. The American Consumer is addicted to its debt fueled spending mania. The real reason things are the way they are is peoples addiction to late stage rot economy. You don't need a visionary leader to live that kind of life. A strong majority of people on this site can't even be bothered to pay for it. I pour immense amounts of time, money and effort into community building, yet the community insists on destroying itself. What's the point?
  9. Oh I'm pretty much done with all that shit.
  10. Also too soon or can we talk about how much of a colossal waste of money this Harris campaign was? Trumps too. How deeply moronic.
  11. Stop. Read the room. I'm not asking you.
  12. I think you are missing the point of how stressful and how trapped you would feel as an individual who's life legitimately depends on your health insurance continuing to pay for a medicine that is keeping you alive. His entire family is deeply affected by the possibility of ACA being repealed and then him being dropped off of any coverage and uninsurable due to his pre-existing condition. As soon as he doesn't have insurance he dies or has to come up with 30k/mo just to have a shot at living. Could you even imagine your dread if you were in that situation? Be better.
  13. The Ohio map was obviously hopium and a joke. I did think kamala had a credible path to both Georgia and NC and was not going to shit the bed in every single swing state. There's a balance of keeping momentum and hype going and posting my actual thoughts. I think it's pretty clear when I get into serious poster mode because I tend to ygifs longcat things and use a different writing style. There will be no soft landing anymore, economically, socially or politically. I just hope it doesn't happen all at once.
  14. Maybe America has just gotten too fucking stupid.
  15. Joe Biden delayed what now seems inevitable. The American people did this to themselves. Trump didn't force anyone to vote for him. America isn't a monolith, but it has lacked accountability and strong moral direction for a significant portion of my life. This is a sign of an eroded society incapable of accountability or collective goodwill. The American you live in isn't changing, the feeling you feel now is what brisket has been talking about. Trump is a symptom, he's not the disease. The American population is sick (unhealthy) and a lot of people thought defeating Trump in this election would turn the page and put things on the mend. After tonights result, even if a few hundred thousand people switched their votes and the outcome was different I don't believe for one second that it would heal America. There's something deeply wrong with a large majority of the country.
  16. Joe Biden will still be president tomorrow. It's post inauguration that people are concerned with. To tell people they shouldn't be concerned when Trump himself says he has a day 1 agenda of vengeance planned is actually silly.
  17. Night crew gonna be thin tonight. Wisconsin drops in a few hours.
  18. @PenelopeWitherspoon take a chill. You need to take it down a notch.
  19. @Spankytoes fuck off dude. You are just being a dick. Everyone needs to be better. Being disappointed in tonight isn't a valid reason to be terrible to eachother and chastizing people for who they voted for isn't helpful in the moment even if it makes you feel better. By all means if you want to keep receipts please do.
  20. Its not. Fucking NC and GA are still in play what the actual fuck
  21. Stop watching the fucking infotainment channel and look at the data. It's not that much different than 2020 and this is nothing like 2016 where Hillary got fucking owned. She's drastically overperforming Clinton and keeping decent pace with Biden most places that matter.
  22. This is looking way fucking better than 2016 and is on pace to be about the same as 2020 with an outside chance of overperforming and a good chance of slightly underperforming but still getting to 270. Everyone being a bitch needs to chill the fuck out until the enormous cities with 65/35 splits or better come in.
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