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Everything posted by immamac

  1. My wife's grandfather scored the only touchdown in the game they just showed from 1950
  2. Georgia was getting fucking spanked until the 4th.
  3. Yeah nowhere near targeting. Clean hard hit.
  4. This thread is gonna be slow today I imagine. Too many other games competing at the time slot.
  5. Its really sad that they genuinely think in their heart of hearts they are being cool and look cool.
  6. This is the same thing as saying Alabama losing to OU is better for Texas. Its fine after the fact but while its happening you always root for OU to lose in as catastrophic as fashion as possible. I'm about there with Georgia, what an unlikable culture and coach they have.
  7. Georgia is gonna win and that really just sucks.
  8. These play calls are fucking atrocious
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