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Posts posted by immamac

  1. 4 minutes ago, MinerProphet said:

    Read a lot of different source material on Intel this week as it's interesting if nothing else. To paraphrase, from what I can gather, any evaluation of Intel will have to be a long term one. The horrible results from this week should be viewed in the context of decisions made 5~10 years ago, and an appreciation that decisions made more recently won’t pay off for several more years to come. The real measure of Gelsinger’s leadership in particular will come with 16A: that is the node that Intel is betting the company on. That’s when internal chip production should come home, when Intel will finally have a leading or near-leading process operating at volume, and when the question of whether or not the company can actually earn 3rd-party business will be finally be answered.

    So, idk, let's see.

    18A and yeah that's the bet, Pat has made that clear. He bet the company on 5 nodes in 4 years. It's crazy. The problem for intel is that they don't have any customers or volume. There is also the bet that there is going to be a never ending need for advanced node chips.

  2. 2 minutes ago, boilerhorn said:

    According to an Oct 2023 article in Investopedia, there are 9730 such folks in the USA.

    It's not clear how much of that is unrealized gains.  And, what is the actual process here?  In the silly example I gave above, does the said person need to get taxed only on the marginal number above $100mm in unrealized gains?  In such a case, his unrealized gains would remain over $100mm.  And would the remaining be subject to the same taxation the following year.  Seems like it could be a tracking and logistics nighmare.

    I believe it's a billion in assets or 100M in annual earnings from the post above and for 3 years in a row. I think the point is to get people to stop hoarding equities and using them for leverage and getting tax free loans. There is no other reason to hold equities with that level of value in an economic sense. Diversification becomes an issue as well. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Just now, ChickenSandwich said:

    A threshold which will inevitably be lowered.  They will just say what you need to hear to guarantee it passes, and it will then be adjusted to hit their funding targets.

    Ah yes the old goalposts moving before the game even begins argument. Always a classic. 

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  4. 37 minutes ago, jdhorn92 said:

    That's the way I understand it and that would be a travesty. With split Congress I cant see that going anywhere.  To add that to the discourse, if there is a net loss on paper is that then deductible?  Talk about a cluster of epic proportions.  Only one who wins in that case is tax preparers.  This will also lead to a boon in IRA, thus taking discretionary dollars out of the economy, which is 75% of the economy, loss sales tax, GDP etc..less tax revenue.

    I mean if you think there's that many people with 100M in unrealized gains out there ive got some great ocean front property in Arizona you would be interested in. 

    We are talking about less than 10k people out of 350M+

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    Who the fuck is illegally cashing out fortunes on a family business?  How many times does it need to be taxed?  How many chunks of that pie are enough to satisfy the diabetic tax fantasy man?  

    That's what I'm over here wondering.

  6. Just now, Incredulity said:

    Quote one point I have made thats isn’t factual.

    Just give it up. You are just fearmongering nonsense. 

    The point is to tax wealthy hiding behind tax evasive practices in unrealized gains. It’s not about going after family businesses and a bunch of other babble you are on about. 

    the intent is clear and it’s not to damage the economy.  Stop being obtuse. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    No idea what you are driving at here.  People and businesses should pay the taxes they owe.

    To the original point.  Taxing unrealized gains is an absurd.  Even at a 100M threshold it will have significant negative impact on family businesses.  Somehow you think they will be exempt or that there isn’t an entire industry around valuation of privately held businesses.

    They wouldn’t and you are making stuff up. The point is to tax people who are leveraging their unrealized gains instead of selling them to skirt taxes. 

    not everything is some complex fucking money grab by the government. Stop being such an idiot. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Incredulity said:

    The IRS is absolutely concerned if a family business is sold below fair value.    Anything that isn't arms length is going to get scrutiny.

    So you think that families illegally cashing out their fortunes from a family business is bad or good?

  9. Just now, Incredulity said:

    yup, I'm the one with no business accumen.  LOL.


    What do you thing the IRS does when they audit a return that includes a sale or transfer of a privately held business?

    They look at if people actually sold the business for what they said they sold it for. 

    You think they are understating value so they can sell it for less? I mean maybe the idiots you hang out with that think selling things for less nets you more money after taxes (it doesnt in literally any case) or are you saying they go after fraud for misreporting valuation to get a tax benefit by accepting full valuation in exchange but only reporting a smaller portion?

    Or are you saying they inflate the valuation and accept less money and pay more taxes? Maybe those are the morons you speak of? 

  10. 1 minute ago, Incredulity said:

    family held means private.  as in NOT publicly traded.  


    LOL.  ok.  

    Oh right so the government randomly assigns valuations to privately held businesses and assets now? News to me. 

    This is meant for liquid assets which change in value on an open market. This isn't a oh you have a 100M house so we tax you on it hurr durr no one would fucking pass that. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Family held medium size businesses having to pay taxes on asset and business appreciation annually will lead to a massive wave of forced sales.  Who do you think those assets get sold to?

    Medium sized 100M+ corporations that are publicly traded? Can you point me to a few of those that exist. I'd love to invest - oh wait those don't exist at all because Megacorp already bought them all. Hahahahahahahahahahaha

    Seriously all your boogie men are comical and defy any real business acumen or logic. 

    You think that these large corps are going to have free reign and the FTC isn't gonna actually do its job? Got news for you bud. They have already started and will continue to trust bust/take down monopolistic megacorps. 

    Taxing the Ultra wealthy with assets over 100M is never going to lead to additional consolidation the math doesn't math that way. If they wanted to avoid a breakup they could just divvy it amongst the family and then it won't ever get taxed that way. This is an individual holdings tax not a corporate profits and valuation tax. 

  12. On 8/20/2024 at 10:23 PM, Incredulity said:

    It’s not.  Taxing unrealized gains would be a family business death machine and only exasperate wealth concentration.

    explain this line of thinking lol. 100M+ net worth individuals getting taxed will lead to more wealth concentration? That's really neat. I'd like to understand the math behind that.

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  13. The tailspin has to stop with something. If Gaudi 3 lands and the new chiplets work wonders for their datacenter and desktop parts and AI PCs actually start selling it may be just enough to keep them going. That's the unfortunate truth. Their lack of fab customers is wild, especially with the shortage of advanced process node wafer capacity. If they can get yields up and people in it could turn around in a hurry, but it doesn't seem like that's in the cards. 

  14. 1 minute ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Well, all right then. There was someone else a while back that broke through the -100 barrier and kept right on posting. At the time I thought you had removed the negative impact from CR. 


    Sometimes there's bugs with this. It was after 11PM on a Thursday and overnight. I think this one was related to him already having been to purgatory before. Not sure. 


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