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Posts posted by immamac

  1. 8 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I think he’s just irritated that the sec move has bright out a lot more racism and recidivist shit in other area of the board and it doesn’t always get the ban hammer 

    Has it? I haven't seen an uptick of that or any reports, you know how moderators actually get pointed to stuff to moderate. Use the report button. Do not spam the report button I don't need to flag 6 posts from the same user in the same thread. But I don't care if you report stuff. Reporting nonsense will get your shit ignored, but a lot of reports are good for us to check in and monitor stuff if not deal with it immediately. 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, utexas8 said:

    So what sections are the best? If I don’t get tickets in x sections is it even worth going?

    I wanna go but I’m thinking about just staying at the tailgate if I can’t find a good section. The older I get the more I care about the view and seeing everything

    All sections are the same except the viewpoint. 

    Its all just dependent on your preferences. There's not really a bad seat in the house and the only premium ones are the seat backs. 

    They have big screens on either side of the field. Will post a vid for you to see

    Also I'm not just saying this to push people going but watching from the tailgate is gonna be a fun experience as well. 

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Horn75 said:

    I’m not a troll. I cussed at some people on here and stated my beliefs and got over 600 downvotes. You must be fun to be around at the surly “tailgates”

    We can't cuss here? That's news to me. 

    You ever think that maybe your "beliefs" may be fucked up? Lots of people have beliefs here and don't get negged off the board. 

    I'm not sure what the tailgates that support our student athletes have to do with you being a fucking shithead. How much NIL have you paid out or helped raise? The surly tailgates are responsible for well over 250k between annualized and one-time contributions last year alone. 

    I kept $0 of that and it cost me well over 25k that I didn't write off as charitable donation. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  4. 7 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    I don't think that.  You aren't reading what I wrote.  Do you think 2012 Romney would win this current election in a hypothetical world where he was a Republican nominee and "MAGA" didn't exist?  I think he would win somewhat easily.  Do you think the majority of regular posters on this board would vote for that candidate?  Again, I don't think it would really be close in the other direction. 

     I don't think 2024 Democrat = Ultra LIberal.  There are a ton of Anti-Trump moderates that are now "Democrats" by default.   But that doesn't mean I don't think this board doesn't lean pretty liberal which becomes more obvious when it isn't election season and actual issues are discussed. 

    You are just flat out wrong. I already told you why. Intellectual honesty and Intelligence guides more of what is going on here than partisan shit. In a world with no party affiliation everyone is a Democrat because there is non-such thing as Republican policy its just "whatever Donald says" 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

    Where is the place to park?

    Probably sold out now but pioneer hs is probably best. You can find some stuff in the neighborhoods if you arrive early enough and it's not too bad. Expect $25-40 bucks though. They also want you gone ASAP after the game. 

    Ride share is not that bad once you get to the designated area away from the stadium but it's just like dkr where waiting an hour or 2 at a tailgate is optimal and lowers the cost significantly. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 2 hours ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    This. Ann arbor and Detroit are pretty much one in the same, location wise


    Hell, the Woodlands is farther from Houston than Ann Arbor is from Detroit. Why all the hamd wringing? Rent a goddamn car

    Some people drink heavily on gameday. Driving is also terrible with the parking situation. 

    9 minutes ago, 6th Street said:

    Cancelled my res at the MGM and got a room in Livonia with points. A tad closer than Detroit 

    I've had some great times at that MGM. If you don't gamble much this is the right move though. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Yeah I was thinking about first time convention watchers earlier this morning. There's never been a political convention anything like this. They're typically dreadfully boring with an exciting speech at the most. Their team put together not only a great night at the DNC on the most difficult and boring of nights (state roll call) but packed an arena all the way in Milwaukee where the candidates appeared.  


    Yes they've been doing great. As @Tucopointed out it seemed spontaneous. From a messaging standpoint I'd prefer it be a positive message. During Michelle's speech last night, the spontaneous chant was, "Do Something." The audience is energized and looking to participate. I listened to KH last night in Mwk and to my ears, "Not going back" was heard too often...I'm already tired of it and I just worry she would benefit from a different rallying cry. All due deference to her incredible campaign team...they have been absolutely amazing so far. 

    I mean lil Jon yelled and got a chant going for we're not going back during his performance. I like we're not going back I don't think it's a bad rallying cry. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  8. Yeah the whole reason I dug into this is because my mother wanted to retire and get another job to keep paying into social security until she drew it. 

    Drawing early makes no sense if you are still working and need a full income to live (aka not set up for retirement)

    The generally correct answer is retire as soon as you are able without SSA and take SSA as soon as you are able to supplement or take the cash and invest on top of your retirement pile. 

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