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Everything posted by immamac

  1. Not a protest or Palestine thread. There is a thread for that. Stop posting about it here.
  2. Merging with Democratic ticket thread and unpinning because no one wants pinned CR threads.
  3. Seems like a missed opportunity to use the song one step by Linkin Park lol.
  4. In his original burnt ends interview he said "idk maybe it's cuz I came out the color of dookie" I fucking lost it.
  5. Juan "The Predator" Davis has a nice ring to it. Haha his nickname growing up was dook, dunno why and neither did he.
  6. Good reason to never buy another one of their products ever again.
  7. So the thing is there's a huge opportunity for event driven communities. The whole concept of communities like this or Texags is largely going away because the younger more tech enabled and savvy users want more real time engagement without contributing themselves (feeds and shouting into the void) no one wants to put the effort into creating content, because it's harder than just reading a bunch of big Twitter accounts saying the same shit as you think. Echo chambers and group think and people having uniform opinions is really what's leading to the demise of online discussion and discussion based sites. It's also extremely difficult to remain anonymous online and putting out real thoughts and viewpoints is extremely high risk for portions of the population that are in positions that are sensitive to that kind of stuff getting out there. There are many people who want to give money to this site, other causes etc but want to maintain their anonymity. It's one of the biggest questions I get. How can I donate without anyone finding out who I am. I've been doing 5 minutes of daily content for autograph and engagement there is low even though it shouldn't be - they are doing a pretty good job with what they are trying to build and it just goes nowhere because there just isn't an overwhelming amount of content that automatically gets shoved into your face.
  8. I would happily host a mirror for them. I should reach out.
  9. That pic of VYs kid is wild. Uncanny.
  10. Fuck fantasy football. Bijan Rojo JBrooks. Call in Johnson Jwhitt X Jared Wiley Jt Sanders
  11. So are we still mad about jigaboo bugaboo mixup or no?
  12. Hahahahaha I thought the same thing.
  13. It's gonna be lol when manning wins the manning.
  14. Mea culpa probably should post less while driving in the middle of nowhere Nebraska. Made it to the wonderful Sioux City IA though. About to hit up the hard rock and just slayed some dogs and burgers at Milwaukee Weiner Co. Saw some swastikas etched into the sidewalk haha.
  15. You are so out of touch it's almost gotta be a bit. Ever heard of the inflation reduction act? Do you know what happened in 2020?
  16. Competent people are refusing to help him. He's left with a bunch of lunatics trying to cling to power.
  17. Philadelphia is nowhere even close to a tier 1 city lmao.
  18. This isn't how that works. There's a bunch of people who can afford the mortgage but can't come up with the required down money. This stimulates new home builds and doesn't inflate prices it gets new home builds up and right sizes the markets to home buyers and home sellers. It's a supremely lazy take to say this just juices the market.
  19. It's actually getting pathetic when your usual fluffers and pumpers can't even take the shit you are flinging and make it into sound bites that make any kind of sense.
  20. Shut the fuck up about all the god damned whining. Policy has a direct impact on this. Discuss the policy not the admin or the politician who signed it/claimed anything. This isn't fucking hard.
  21. You legitimately just fucking reposted my original post because you are trolling.
  22. Yeah you fucking tell me you god damned troll.
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