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Everything posted by immamac

  1. I mean realistically what happens if Trump gets falcon punched and loses in a landslide? Does Biden immediately muzzle the guy? At some point you can't call it a politically motivated thing it's just shutting a crazy fucking guy up. You have to let his legal challenges occur, but do you really have to let him just run around acting a fool? Also how quickly does the Elon stuff happen? It's pretty obvious he's breaking all the laws at this point.
  2. immamac


    We have one for the tailgate and mobile shows for OTF. Its internet when cell towers are overloaded, but that's it. Its pretty shitty in urban settings and rural its just OK.
  3. Translation for you: If you think Puerto Rico and the American citizens who live there and are from there are less than you and the island is garbage, you are the garbage.
  4. Watching this speech on 20-25 minute delay. This is extremely competent and polished. The crowd is fucking enormous.
  5. But what about the shitton of people who don't care to primary their democratic nominees and are trying to primary Ted Cruz etc. I know a shitload of those who aren't gonna vote R.
  6. Wage suppression isn't because of illegal immigration but this isnt a completely unhinged take.
  7. This is my hell the last 5 or so years. Brought in to lead innovation got far enough to dog and pony show and then subsequently shelved. Rinse and repeat. Innovation is seen as the enemy of profit instead of the catalyst of growth now.
  8. Was having this conversation with a business partner this morning. Everything seems completely out of whack and propped up by the fear of losing any money. IPOs are not happening but companies who aren’t doing anything to add additional value or change their products or big announcements or news are moving billions in market cap. Nvidia the other day was enough to IPO 200 unicorns. That’s a lot of innovation that isn’t happening and being distorted by some of these crazy mega caps.
  9. 11AM kick would make it very difficult to do anything not on campus and I'm not traveling for that game. I'm happy to help fund part of something but I'm limited in what I'm able to do without being there.
  10. If someone is trying to sell you on voting for Trump they are a fascist. I'm the one bringing up politics in these situations/conversations and they offer they are probably gonna vote for Trump because of crypto policy he has and their main holdings being all crypto it makes a ton of sense. He doesn't give a shit that Trump is a rapist. He also doesn't give a shit that Kamala is black or a woman. A lot of comparing now to Nazi Germany is extreme, there are parallels for sure but it's not the same thing. It's why I'm pressing the conversation, because the more people that do the more we avoid a Nazi Germany situation. I tell/ask everyone I interact with on a daily basis if they've voted or that they need to vote and if they need a plan I can help them plan to vote. Even professionally. In professional settings I don't ask about who they plan to vote for for obvious reasons just that they need to vote.
  11. We are saying the same thing. You are just optimistic and I'm just pessimistic about what that means in the near term.
  12. Tom Brady has talked about this recently and I like his theory about why that is. I watch less of the NFL than I want to because I have a young family and I can't spend 2 days watching football anymore but I keep up with it enough. Clarifying edit - not directed at Pam Also feel free to start your own website, or NIL program or tailgate or community. Oh wait you won't, because *insert a whole bunch of excuses*.
  13. Cool cool so I hang out with fascists and they are overwhelmingly and rabidly engaged because hate trumps love and no one actually cares about their basic human rights being taken away. Good conversation. Much appreciated, I wonder why people don't like engaging with you. Your position is terrible and it's not everyone's perogative to be a fully engaged voter. A lot of people don't realize how bad trump is because they spend almost no time thinking about it or what it means to them. They are busy doing other shit and thinking about what's around them. The most these people think about politics is when I bring it up. These aren't people who follow the news, these are people who watch sportscenter, mute political ads and try to figure out the latest scoop on their fantasy roster. Stop equating people like that to fascists, they are just uninformed and intentionally avoid it. It's my job as a friend to talk about shit they may not wanna talk about, it's not to berate them and call them a fascist who wants to deport all the brown people. Pull your head out of your ass.
  14. Pretend for a second this was an NFL team in an NFL game. Now imagine what people who expect the highest paid most important player on the team to do in those situations. As a college quarterback Quinn is doing fine, and after Vandy its on the side of pretty good. In the frame of reference that he's going to play at the next level it's laughable. That's why when he played against NFL caliber defenders with his NFL caliber Oline and WR corps and looked like he didn't belong it was such a huge red flag moment for so many people. The issue with the rest of the season is that in the playoffs it's going to basically be NFL development level talent the whole way through and that's what people are concerned about. Quinn has shown that he doesn't have the "it" factor at that level consistently. Sometimes he does, because when Quinn is on like he was against Alabama and Michigan he's unstoppable. That's a big part of what makes an NFL QB an NFL QB, being able to get into and stay "in the zone" Some of you don't like the word choice of pussy and that's fair. What I mean is Quinn lacks the ability to turn on and keep on his killer instinct like the highest level professionals do. That's something that develops over time and when people refer to "the game slowing down" for elite players that's what it means. They are able to adjust their mental intensity to have the focus that is required to perform. Is it fair to expect Quinn to look like an NFL starter? Probably not, but that's what he's positioned himself as and that's the social contract he entered when he took the NIL money he took.
  15. ...it is that's why the crosstabs are all completely fucked.
  16. I don't kid gloves anyone. I challenge and assert arguments that aren't " he's a fascist and your a fascist if you support him" because that isn't a constructive conversation. I also don't avoid talking politics with anyone, under any circumstance and I don't associate with any maga actual fascists. Being misguided and not sold on the idea that Trump is actually a fascist is not an unreasonable position for a supremely uninformed ostrich effect sufferer. Being a complete piece of shit maga supporter because you hate the brown people and want trans people to suffer and women to be sex slaves is pretty irredeemable.
  17. A Venn diagram of the sufferers of ostrich effect and normies/politically under informed voters is god damned near a circle. When you yank an ostrich out of its head hole and make normies decide if they want to be a piece of shit or not they actually do react, and mostly unfavorably. https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/ostrich-effect
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