My wife's grandfather ordered all kinds of Trump knives and coins and whatever. Republican his whole life.
After January 6th he was pissed. Said Trump was a coward and a loser.
He changed his vote. To tell me that so many people have stories like this and I have yet to meet a single person who was like yeah Jan 6 made me vote for the first time ever for Trump. There's just no fucking way that's a thing, and if it is I need someone to show me some data supporting anything like that.
This is on top of Dobbs, I haven't seen a single person who wasn't already a fucking magatard excited to vote for abortion bans, there's quite a few people I know who were older women who were single issue abortion voters who realize how fucked things are now and aren't voting for more insane policies. They wanted no abortions, they didn't want women to be sex/baby slaves.
Show me the evidence that there is a swell of NEW people who actively are energized by whatever the fuck this hate campaign is. They already had those votes and they are entrenching themselves there so they don't lose them. Moving more extreme alienates the moderates, of which there are a lot. There aren't more extremists. Defectors from the Republican party are real and measurable. Where are these so called new trump voters coming from?